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  Mikey Vee vs. Shon Tracy

Mikey Vee 5'10, 190

Shon drawn and quartered

.....and brutally gut bashed

.....and stretches some more submission pressure and punishment on long Shon

Mikey twists Shon's arm

Self-Crowned "Champ" Chews up a Chump!

Mikey can legitimately lay claim to being a BG vet. He began wrestling for BGE just barely out of his teens with far more energy, desire and attitude than skill, experience and technique! And at the beginning his win/loss record reflected that dichotomy. Some times his attitude and arrogance and penchant for punishment carried the day. But even when it didn't, and he was sprawled defeated in the ring or on the mats, Mikey's eternal optimism would always propel him to declare "Well, since I'm the only one still here, I must be the winner!" Well now that he's a seriously trained ring and mat fighter, Mikey has not had the need to employ that line in a long, long time!

Shon, on the other hand, has not had as successful a trajectory in BGEast action as Mikey. It might well be attributed to his choices of opponents. You see, Shon shot for the stars. Shon signed on to BGE with the proviso that he be matched only with the toughest and meanest stars. "I can take whatever they can didsh out - and give it right back!" Well, he proved he could take it, but it was the second part of his promise for which he proved decidedly deficient! But to his credit, no bruiser was too big or too sadistic for Shon to challenge: The Bodywrecker, Chip Slater, even the Master of Mean Kid Leopard himself.

Warming up in his pro-perfect trunks and boots our Shon looks a tad nervous - like a marked man. Can't blame him. Mikey's at his most muscular and coming off a string of impressive dominating championship victories. 'You wanna fuck with this?' Mikey asks. Indeed, he does! Shon tries his best but that beautiful torso gets stretched and battered in a variety of punishing ways. Then the gut pounding begins: drills, fists, an endless punch-fest, gut bashing beating. The punishment sponge finally submits. But his trouble is only just beginning! 3 body slams later...

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Mikey Vee vs. Shon Tracy
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Shon crabbed and crying!

The Champ poses

Shon Tracy 6', 180

A 190 lb full boston crab

The champ smashes the chump

Gutbashing 101

The chump left laying

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