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  Tony Cosenti vs. Mikey Vee

Tony C

High back hammer


Sneak attack sleeper

A Major Mikey Mauling

Standing barefoot in the center of the ring, clad in his black and white grappling trunks, Mikey is set to introduce Tony to the art and ardours of shoot-fight submission wrestling - but not before he first softens him up with a major Mikey mauling! A series of flying snapmares leads to a brutal belly-battering of gut punches keeping Tony confined to the mat - the perfect position for Mikey to begin a punishment 'tutorial'. Using a series of armbar variations and potently painful leglocks, Tony is pushed to his physical limits.... to the point of practically passing out from the pain. An increasinly frustrated and ultimately enraged Tony attempts a comeback head scissorsing the heel and cranking Mikey's arm up his back in a hammerlock. But our Mikey is very resourceful and if his legitimate wrestling skills fail him he's more than happy to resort to other, less gentlemanly tactics! A big low blow to Tony's protruding package presciently prevents any such reversal of Tony's fortune. And once back on top, Mikey makes Tony rue the day he even thought of turning the table! Mikey mangles, mashes and tramples our erstwhile challenger ensuring that, at least for now, his place in the pantheon of hot BG East jobbers is safe and secure!

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Tony Cosenti vs. Mikey Vee
26 minutes

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Full front bodyscissors

Mikey V

Mikey tramples Tony

Mikey cranks Tony's neck

Mikey the mat master

Struggle for control

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