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  Kip Sorell vs. Lon Dumont

Kip, Fitness Model Extraordinaire, in his worst winter nightmare

Lon utilizes his powerful bodybuilder legs in a bodyscissors

Lon has time for an endless tirade of trashtalk in the face of a jobber out cold repeatedly

A big boot stomp to Kip's unprotected crotch results in a cry of abject agony

Kip tries to battle free of the punishing reverse bearhug, again and again

Trapped in a Nightmare

"Kip!? Kip Sorell!? Oh my God!" Lon gushes enthusiastically as the young fitness model rouses from his disturbed slumber and climbs unsteadily to his feet. "Buddy, your hair looks fantastic!" Lon admires, stretching out his hand. Dumbfounded, once again Kip accepts the handshake as he struggles to get his bearings. Lon's boot to the gut drops him to his knees, and Lon's novel, never-ending plan to terrorize the cocky jobber begins to come into focus.

"Who the hell said we were friends, Kip!?" Lon snarls furiously, mounting the fitness model and barely restraining himself from punching Kip's prominent bulge packed tightly inside his blue trunks. "This isn't about friendship. Lonny Dumont saw his shadow, and you know what that means? Six more weeks of leg scissors!" Kip writhes and flails, nearly snapped in half between the incredibly lean bodybuilder's crushing thighs. "Fuck you, Lonny!" Kip snaps back at his tormentor. A rake to the eyes shuts the pretty boy up fast.

"I'm not one of those chumps that only knows 4 holds, not Lonny Dumont," the heel brags. But it's not really bragging when you can back it up. Lon packs a pro wrestling clinic of holds into one brutal nightmare after another. Bearhugs and bodyscissors tenderize the young beefcake. Every waking minute delivers another onslaught of muscle-mincing brutality, punctuated yet again by another front-face sleeper that makes Kip's sexy muscles go slack in Lon's bulging arms.

"Kip?! Kip Sorell!?" Lon gushes enthusiastically again and again each time the bewildered hunk rouses to this endlessly repeating waking nightmare. And each time, before he can get his bearings, the maniacally vicious heel doubles down on his bone crushing, joint snapping, muscle ripping physical assault. Outflanked, outmuscled and out-wrestled, Kip's spirits sag, but Lon is always there to drag his fine physique back up by a fistful of hair or nasty yank on the trunks.

"It's a bad dream," Kip mutters to himself. "Oh no, you're not dreaming," Lon assures the fading stud. It's a vicious circle, a recurring, real-life Groundhog Day nightmare played out for Demolition fans to marvel at the depths of agony and terror a stunningly beautiful pretty boy can endure before giving up entirely to both the physical and psychological terror dished out by a truly sadistic muscle heel. Only there is no escape.

"Kip?! Kip Sorell? Oh my God! It's Lonny Dumont!"...

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Kip Sorell vs. Lon Dumont
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Kip's tight musclebod wilts in a kiss-of-death sleeper

Kip is out but his Groundhog Demolition Day isn't quite over just yet

Lon digs deep in his bag of dirty heel tricks, raking the eyes of his opponent

A rope-leveraged bodyscissor elicits cries of pain that are music to Lon's ears

The knocked out jobber is checked for signs of consciousness by the salivating heel

Kip is nothing but a pretty jobber doormat against the bodybuilder heel

The wind is out of Kip's sails but he's dragged back to his feet for more torture

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