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  Austin Cooper vs. Rio Garza

Iron-Coop soaked in sweat

Body scissors and chin lock on the ropes to torture the latin beauty

Ring rope-assisted ab stretch!

Driving a boot into Rio's abs

Coop enjoys his new role arrogantly trampling Rio's wrecked and battered body

Striking Beauty, Strident Beating

In every match, and indeed, every time he steps before the adoring cameras is an opportunity for Rio to display his phenomenal physique. He flows fluidly from one awe-inspiring pose to another, arousing his loyal fans and devoted admirers and annoying the shit out of his many rivals! Coop watches this self-adoration for as long as he can take it.

Appropriately enough, a sneak attack inaugurates Austin's would-be career as a heel. He tricks the trusting Rio to pop his chart-topping biceps only to provide a clear shot at those smash-hit abs. Rio doubles over, crumples and falls. Austin concentrates on destroying Rio's much-adored, often rhapsodized-upon midsection, which he assails with fist, elbow, boot, shoulder, and eventually a crushing round of bearhugs. Austin snarls, "When I'm done with you ..." followed by a variety of threats: "... won't be able to walk" "... won't even recognize you," each a variation on the theme of "everybody's gonna be talking about me!" He stretches the Latino heartthrob out on the ropes for some torturous detailing of the man's trapezius and deltoid muscles. After a long (and, frankly, ridiculously fucking-hot) ordeal, Austin wrings his first submission out of Rio, followed closely by a second.

Rio has had to deal with this type of rage-inducing envy before. He's drop-dead gorgeous, and Austin is hardly the first wrestler to wish he would ... drop, that is, dead. Even Rio finds his beauty somewhat distracting, every time he glimpses himself in a ringside mirror. As Austin transfers his malevolent attention from the abs to the pecs, the action gets even hotter and sweatier. You practically see the steam rising off the wrestlers' shoulders.

An unexpected turn of events gains Rio a legit win by pinfall, a blow to Austin's ego that only intensifies the violence. If at first Austin's talk of permanently crippling Rio sounded like so much hot air, now it's looking entirely possible. Even Rio's cringing third submission fails to satisfy a pissed-off Coop's bloodlust, and the battle well outlasts what should have been a final round. Rio fires back at Austin, raising the fight to a fever pitch right up to and including a white-knuckle finish that should give fans and armchair refs plenty to talk about. A spectacularly sexy, sweaty, magnificent muscle man match!

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16: Austin's Heel Turn


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Austin Cooper vs. Rio Garza
33 minutes

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Other Rio Garza Matches

Demolition 16: Austin's Heel Turn Arena Galleries

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Coop rolls Rio around the ring in his quad- and butt-flexing body scissors

Austin shows off a new hold from his growing and impressive arsenal

Total transformation? A look of steely determination on Austin Cooper's handsome face

Back bending bicep worship: Rio's bulge trapped on the ropes

Knee breaking figure 4 leg lock

Bow 'n' arrow back-breaking submission

Muscle stud fitness model Rio being tortured in an excruciating overlapping toehold leg lock

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