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  J-Rock vs. Brendan Byers

Man muscle on display: J-Rock flexes

J-Rock hoists the suffering jobber

Punched and punished

Brendan loses all hope

There's no escape for you!

Gut Bash: A Clinic in Pain, or, Tidings of Comfort and Joy!

"You want to play with the big boys, huh?" J-Rock shakes his head as he stalks his hot hapless prey. Brendan is till too stunned to stir into defensive action. J-Rock proceeds to start throwing punches into Brendan's flat stomach with such force the kid is lifted right up off his feet! As Brendan's moans of pain intensify, J-Rock grabs his arm and whips him across the ring and back-first into the opposite corner like he was a weightless rag doll! The force of the whip ricochets Brendan back toward the center of the ring - and right into J-Rock's next battering blow! Back into the corner the kid goes once again! A huge high hip toss sprawls beautiful Brendan on his back, moaning, arching, and bridging as J-Rock ominously flexes those gigantic biceps. He drags Brendan up by the hair and sends him back into the corner with a resounding chest-crushing forearm smash Brendan is probably still feeling today! And then J-Rock targets that long lean torso and those oh-so-vulnerable abs: bare feet, fists, forearms, elbows, knees - all drive repeatedly into Brendan's belly.

And now, it's time for a clinic in punishment by Doctor Rock. Knee drops, stomps, body slam after body slam, stomach claws and more of the same as the muscle monster laughs delightedly. Brendan is barely able to move, barely able to do anything more than moan and groan and grovel from the intensity and sustained duration of the beating through which he is forced to suffer. How much can the kid take? Well, if his previous matches are any indication, quite a bit! J-Rock is now just toying with him - contemplating his next bit of assault as though he is conducting a well-reasoned and thoughtful experiment in pain instead of a pro wrestling squash job! It is soon obvious that the object of the match, for J-Rock at least, is to see how much pain the kid's battered body can take before he gets bored with beating on him - and for someone who enjoys inflicting pain as much as J-Rock does, and knowing how much his employer also enjoys his efforts and talent, that could be a very long, long time!

This is the kind of beating that can haunt a wrestler for the rest of his life. And one which will brings years and years of comfort and joy for fans of the one-sided squash!

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Brought face first to the mat

J-Rock enjoys tossing the wrestler around

A hard foot to the abs. Repeat.

Brendan gets trampled underfoot

Wedgied and wasted...

J-Rock's dreaded ab-claw digs deep

What's the next painful target?

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