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  Donnie Drake vs. Mike Pitt

Mike scissored on the ropes

Donnie grinds an elbow

Spine crushing boston crab

The Pitbull suspends The Drakester

Donnie 'The Dream

Unlucky Day

Donnie rips into Mike almost from the very start -- dragging him down and laughing as his foe writhes in agony! Revealing his inner sadist, he takes great pleasure in choking Mike while he's down grinding a forearm across his throat! An over the knee break-breaker coupled with an ab claw has Mike screaming'but no submission. Donnie slams him down, straddles him and then slaps on a pec claw'and then grabs Mike's legs and a back-cracking Boston crab gives him the first submission. A howl of triumph escapes his throat and he continues beating on Mike, not giving him a break to recover and get to his feet.

But young Mike's not going to go down as easily as Donnie might hope -- he has something to prove too, and as the battle rages on, Mike bides his time, searching for an opening to turn the tide. And when he does, it's Donnie's turn to cry! But Donnie's extensive professional experience translates to a one-man demolition crew! He ties Mike up in the ropes and uses him as a punching bag'punch after punch, kick after kick, until Mike is sagging in the ropes barely conscious! He removes one of the ropes around his arms and climbs outside the ring, wrapping it around Mike's neck and hanging him over the top rope! Another wrestler might just go ahead and finish his prey off once and for all -- but all of the rage that has built up in Donnie over his own BGEast beatings now boils over. The best wrestling is at BG East!

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Donnie Drake vs. Mike Pitt
24 minutes

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Tombstone terror

Time to collar the dog

Donnie's armband employed

The Pitbull gets collared

Donnie walks the dog

Thems some serious quads

The Pitbull gets bull-dogged

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