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  Braden Charron vs. Conor McGlynn

Conor captured in a rack

Braden drops the big elbow

Conor tries to lift Braden

Back pain: Conor on the mat

Flying keester bump bodyscissors: How's your butt, boy?

Classically Out-Classed

?Oh, yeah,? Braden taunts as he begins to work his hapless foe over in a crushing display of strength, power and skill. Young Conor might not have the same muscle-power of Braden, but his lean body is built to take punishment and is apparently fairly resilient. Despite the abuse, he pops back up for more?and Braden is only too happy to oblige the newcomer with another beat-down!

After Conor submits to a spine-cracking and humiliating submission hold, Braden takes a little too much time preening, posing and generally basking in the afterglow of triumph?and Conor is only too happy to show the musclestud what?s he is capable of, beginning with a ball-crushing low blow and some inspired punishment of his own!

In his past matches, this was always the beginning of the end for muscular young would-be bad-ass Braden. But he?s learned some lessons from his past experiences, and he is not willing to let this match slip out of his control - or face the consequences of another defeat, especially to a totally green rookie! His own thick body can take punishment, and he channels the pain into anger and determination, biding his time until cocky young Conor himself inevitably makes a mistake?and the tide turns again!

Racked, slammed, elbow-dropped, bear hugged and repeatedly scissored around both head and body by those massive quads - how much can the lithe youth stand? A furious and determined Braden Charron wants to find out!

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Braden Charron vs. Conor McGlynn
26 minutes

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Other Braden Charron Matches

Demolition 12 Arena Galleries

Wrenching, reeling bear hug

Come to your papa, little man! Climb the mountain, boy!

Braden's big back breaker

When you got it, flaunt it!

And when you're desperate...

Upside bear hug to tombstone?

Braden admires his reflection

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