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  Mean Marine vs. Joshua Goodman

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Full frontal bear hug

Say it! I submit, SIR!

Withering rear body scissors

Magnificent Mean Marine

While Mr. Joshua might be a pretty boy, he is also a skilled wrestler - he's been winning a whole lot more than he's been losing - and he certainly knows his way around the ring. Those muscles aren't just for show. They have a lot of power and he knows how to use them. His arrogance may intimidate some but this military monster has faced a lot more daunting challenges than a model/stripper man/boy in pink tights! Mr. J realizes he needs a quick attitude adjustment as well as a change in approach or it's Squash City for him! He rallies in the second fall by putting those ripped legs to work with a brutal scissors on the Marine, but turnabout is fair play - the Marine applies his own with a brute power that has Mr. Joshua screaming in agony. What's more, The Marine adds a humiliating variation to his body scissors slamming Mr's J's pink glutes into the mat with several spine rattling 'keester bumps'. This second fall is a scissor-fan's delight, as the two men wear each other down, their quads and hamstrings flexing as each tries to break the other in half. But it's Mr. J who finally scores when he forces the Marine to tap with a tight combo full nelson/body scissors - a magnificent textbook application of this classic submission hold! The score is now all tied! Can Mr. Joshua keep it together against his foe - who is trained to kill with his bare hands? It's never smart to piss off a Marine, and losing the second fall to a 'prettyboy' obviously has pushed the Marine right over the edge. He doesn't even give Mr. Joshua a moment to breathe - the second he submits and Josh unlocks his quads, The Marine is on his feet and on the attack! There's rage in this soldier's eyes, and you can see it in his reddened face - Mr. Joshua must be destroyed, once and for all, and he is taking NO prisoners! A reverse bear hug has Mr. Joshua screaming in agony - and his chiseled body is completely flexed as he tries to block out the pain! Again and again the Marine goes after Mr. Joshua's back - bear hugs, back breakers, the occasional well placed boot! Again and again Mr. Joshua winds up on the mat writhing in agony, with the Marine ready, willing and eager to go after him again! And so he does, with a sadistic glee that does not bode well for poor pretty Mr. J. And as for The Mean Marine... well, boot camp was never this much FUN!

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Mean Marine vs. Joshua Goodman
28 minutes

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Roaring rear body scissors

The Marine not looking mean

Chest-crushing bear hug

Fully weighted boston crab

Body vice back breaker

Using ropes for leverage

Pink bottom keester bump

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