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  Evan Sterling vs. Leroy Blaze

Evan Sterling: 5'11, 170 lbs

Leroy's lean arms gets snapped and yanked up in a tight, neck-cranking full nelson

With Leroy laid out on the mat, Sterling takes to the sky with a flying elbow drop to his exposed body

Squashed and spreadeagled, a levelled Leroy lies helpless, exposed to a big boot stomp

Leroy is looking for a tap out from Sterling as he wrenches away at Evan's ankle in the ring

Did the little guy pull it out? Leroy flexes victoriously and tramples his wasted babyface foe underfoot

The cure to pain is more pain!

Leroy Blaze and Evan Sterling have both had a tough time gaining traction. Both hot rookies are ambitious, each with their own unique combinations of assets that they believe can translate into victories in the ring. Leroy's long, lean body is deceptively strong and defiantly flexible. His pride-and-joy is his washboard abs, and he's always eager to break some knuckles letting an overzealous opponent try to pound his granite core into submission. He's a devout student of pro wrestling, with a savvy ring presence, a smart mouth, and hardcore mean streak lying just beneath the surface of his innocent baby face.

Evan, on the other hand, is a fitness freak, having built his big, thick, bulging muscles to better dominate his opponents. He's a fierce wrestler with a growing arsenal of punishing holds intended to maximize the impact of his powerful physique. Evan's classic movie villain mustache contrasts sharply with his boyish handsomeness and prototypical babyface proportions. Both babyface beauties are looking for that first decisive victory to establish themselves as serious contenders, and not just target practice for opponents.

In the battle to prove who isn't a jobber, Leroy strikes early and often. His signature snarky taunts and scrappiness rock his muscle hunk opponent. A seemingly ill-advised test-of-strength turns decisively in Leroy's favor when he upends Evan's momentum with some cheap shot kicks to gut. He milks punishing holds, slowly savoring the way his opponent's grunts and groans blur into whimpers of pain and eventually devolve into desperate cries of panic. His long and surprisingly strong legs make Evan chiseled features a little less handsome with skull crushing headscissors.

Every insult and injury Leroy lays on makes the Evan that much more determined to smack the smug off of his opponent's smirking face. The muscle hunk's massive legs make Leroy wriggle and writhe like a fish on a hook, as Evan crushes him with bodyscissors. The muscle man's Boston crab twists his opponent's spine so severely that Leroy's toes hover inches over the back of his own head. The submissions are hard fought, and both stubborn hunks are definitely keeping count with the eye on the prize of chalking up that first undisputed victory.

Evan loses his trunks, and Leroy's hot glutes are displayed and spanked in a vicious wedgie. It's about pride and passion, as the brutality escalates into a dangerous battle of one-upmanship. The last babyface standing has to wring every last ounce of fight out of his stubborn rival with a long, slow sleeper. "Good match," the sneering winner announces with a sharp slap to his defeated foe's face, feeding his reinvigorated ego off the salty tears and fading whimpers of the knocked-out loser.

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Evan Sterling vs. Leroy Blaze
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Evan looks to make his mark as the bully in this match with an atomic wedgie on the leaner Leroy

Leaning and stretching Leroy out over the ring ropes, Evan lays down a brutal gut bashing

Leroy gets a little airtime of his own, bringing a big legdrop down across his bigger foe's throat

With his opponent's legs trapped under his arms, Evan bends way back in a backbreaking boston

Evan brings his not inconsiderable muscle advantage to bear, humping and grinding Leroy into the mats

Evan's thick, muscled quads grind and pulverize Leroy's ribs into dust with the bodyscissors

Leroy Blaze: 6' 150 lbs

The mustachioed musclestud clamps his legs down tightly in a rib-cracking bodyscissors

Sterling scrabbles and grimaces, finding himself collared by the smaller babyface brawler

Evan finds himself in trouble, reaching for the ropes to avoid tapping out to the boston crab

Plopping his bulge on Leroy's face, Evan lays out his opponent and spreads him out for more torture

Evan's grin stretches out from ear to ear, flexing tightly on Leroy's neck in a rear naked choke

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