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  Kenny Starr vs. Nino Leone

Kenny Starr: 5'9, 175 lbs

Kenny breaks the furry, lean, little Nino over his outstretched knee on the mats

Nino is rolled up on his shoulders, trapped in a ball-clawing, crotch-ripping, spladle pin

Kenny finally battles back into contention against Nino with a backbreaking boston crab

Nino refuses to quit until he hands the muscleboy an "L" with a skull-crunching headscissors

Nino's tight little body is put in its place: under the foot of the bigger, stronger Starr


A warm late summer afternoon at the BGEast compound, a cool breeze blowing in through the trees alongside the still water of the lake. Nino Leone warms up by doing push-ups while waiting for the arrival of his foe for the day, Kenny Starr. With each movement his mind goes deeper into the zone, focusing on what he needs to do to conquer sexy Kenny and make the lean muscle boy his bitch - so it's more than a little insulting when Kenny shows up at the mat munching on some toast. His testosterone already at a fever pitch, Nino contemptuously slaps away the plate and the toast before landing his palm across Kenny's handsome face! Nino headlocks the stud and hip tosses him to the mat, finally waking Kenny up - as he quickly submits - that scruffy Nino is someone to be taken seriously - or he's going to get his ass kicked.

Nino soon reverses out of Kenny's take down, and yet another submission is forced from he lies on the mat, hamstring muscles strained and beaten by Nino's banana split, Nino just smiles at his opponent's pain and shame. Like taking candy from a baby, he thinks, as he soon has Kenny's legs stretched in yet another banana split. "Show me how you do that," Kenny asks, and Nino is more than happy to show his clearly unskilled foe a few things - after all, how else is he going to learn. "Do you need a notepad or something?" Nino asks, as Kenny just doesn't seem to be able to get it.
Kenny just grins and yanks Nino's underwear up in a nasty wedgie!

"Here's my lesson," he laughs as Nino struggles to get free and flip Kenny back over onto his back. Kenny's able to gain control of Nino and with a nasty Boston crab, Nino can't scream out his submission fast enough. "Looks like you could learn a thing or two yourself," Kenny taunts, and it slowly begins to dawn on Nino that Kenny's not exactly the inexperienced rookie he made himself out to be! Maybe he didn't know how to slap a banana split on his opponent, but Kenny is no stranger to BGEast action - and now it's Nino's turn to learn just how crafty and nasty this "rookie" actually can be. And Kenny learned that banana split lesson perfectly - as Nino finds out to his own horror! Breathing hard and dripping with sweat, Kenny taunts his opponent before taking him down yet again.

Nino's agonized cries echo over the water in the background as Kenny laughingly demands yet another submission from the hairy youth. Fired up, Nino's determined to wipe the mats now with his Starr pupil - but a nipple bite from Kenny has Nino angrily giving up. A retaliatory head scissors on Kenny - "you can't go to school without a pair of scissors," as Nino so kindly reminds him -has Nino triumphantly flexing as Kenny tries to get his breath back. Back in control as he thinks he always should be, Nino now puts on a master class in head scissors applications and variations, as Kenny moans and groans and gasps for air, his face reddening as Nino's legs squeeze his skull.

A few nasty cracks about Nino's personal hygiene opens confident Nino up for a scissors lesson of his own, courtesy of Professor Starr. "Glad you like scissors," Kenny grins as he controls his groaning foeâ??even yanking out some of Nino's torso hair - it was just there for the taking, after all. That easy win Nino thought he had in his back pocket isn't quite so easy after all...

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Kenny Starr vs. Nino Leone
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Nino doubled, arm stretched out as Kenny fires a big elbow into the twisted, isolated joint

Nino neutralizes and scissors Kenny's bigger arm as he grounds and climbs on top of him

Nino knows how to level the playing field as he fires off a lowblow to Kenny's exposed crotch

Nino works on taking out the bigger man's legs with a groin-splitting spladle on Kenny

Nino continues to outwrestle his bigger opponent as he climbs atop him with a grapevine

Firmly in control of the match, Nino works a skull-crushing headscissors on a grounded Kenny

Nino Leone: 5'8, 140 lbs

Kenny taunts and teases his lithe opponent as they come face to face in the open air

Kenny finds himself on the wrong end of Nino in a humbling, face-slapping schoolboy pin

Kenny's thick, muscled arms wrap and coil tightly around Nino's head and neck in a rear choke

Kenny clamps his solid quads tightly around Nino's midsection in a rib-crushing bodyscissors

Nino lords over a fallen Kenny, prodding at the muscleboy as he clutches his crotch in pain

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