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  Mike Columbo vs. Jordan

Mike Columbo

Jacked up Jordan

Jordan battered in the corner

Crotch in face pin

From Bump 'n Grind to Bump 'n Groan...

Throbbing music pounds. A man in a black--mask, hat and cape--sways in the ring. A flourish, he reveals a torso sheathed in a sweat-soaked T-shirt clinging to the ridges of his rippling ABS. Rrrrrrrip--the shirt shreds like tissue. A sly smile, he steals a caress of bulging pec, teasing his nipple. Tear-away pants, a see-thru parody of a squarecut--even that falls to the floor, leaving an overstuffed g-string that swings and sways as he pumps his hips. Mike didn't show up to dance, but he won't cede the spotlight. It's hard to out-pose a near naked man: he shucks his tights, revealing a heavy hanging leopard print thong. The poseoff could have lasted all night, but the timekeeper rings the bell, inciting a bump and grind of a different sort. A test of strength is a crotch-to-crotch intimacy Mike can't handle, but turning his back, and he's hammerlocked and humped to an early submission. A front facelock makes Mike's musclebutt bounce and bob--no wonder the mystery man mounts him at every opportunity. But Mike's nobody's bitch, and the sexualism of the attack pushes him over the edge. An ummasking reveals a face many will remember, and the gutbashing, rolling, headscissoring, KO finale is an ending few will forget. Four main-event worthy matches on one tape--the most impressive Fantasymen yet!

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Mike Columbo vs. Jordan
33 minutes

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Nelsoned and on display

Figure 4-Headscissors


Hanging headscissors

Headscissor heaven

Mike's magnificent asset

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