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  Psycho Capone vs. Pete Reynolds

Psycho Capone

Psycho ties Pete in the ropes

A headlock and.....

.....fullnelson/bodyscissors by Psycho

Superhunk threat gets the Psycho Treatment

Pete Reynolds, 24, 6'2, 220, is a personal trainer and he poses a serious threat to his 6', 225 pro opponent. Psycho decides not to take any chances and goes for the jugular right from the start. A kick to his opponent's midsection is meant to drop the rookie, but Psycho ends up trapped in a big bearhug. Psycho immediately goes for the tried and true, bashing big Pete in the balls and then pounding and stretching him, then whips him into a Boston crab. Superhunk Pete manages to power out, but Psycho just keeps coming back with devastating holds, even strangling his less experienced opponent. Pete tries to come back hoping to catch Psycho off guard. But Psycho just loves revenge, and the more Pete tries, the harder Psycho hits back. He loves a long and nasty finish and Pete gets put through wringer with a sleeper, camel clutch, clothesline, and full nelson/body scissors that has Pete crying out his submission. A final submission and sleeper put this "golden boy" out for good.

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Psycho Capone vs. Pete Reynolds
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A Psycho sleeper?

Nice view!

Pete Reynolds

A Boston crab

Pete choked in the ropes


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