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  Powergunz vs. Leo Largo



Chinlocked headsissors

Powergunz buried deep

Beefy Bruiser Blowout!

Powergunz: the name says it all. Gunz is one of the biggest men on the BGEast roster and many a jobberboy has felt his wrath. But he may have met his match this time. Enter Leo Largo. This man is a true monster of the mat, built like a tank with hair all over his body. Sporting massive thighs, calves and chest, he is every bear lover's wet dream. The two hirsute hunks eye each other from opposite corners, like ancient warriors meeting one another on the field of battle. The bell rings and the two start the match with a beefcake posedown. Like rhinos on the Serengeti the two lock horns, with Largo easily tossing Gunz to the side. What power! Leo catches the ring veteran in a headlock, taking him down to the mat and pouring on the pressure. Largo sits on Powergunz's chest, and pulls his head right into his crotch! Gunz's face is buried deep in the mastodon's manhood, and Largo compounds the humiliation with a double bicep flex! Largo forces the vet to tap and scream "I give!" Powergunz may have to change his name?

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Powergunz vs. Leo Largo
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A big headlock

Handfull of hair

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Leo looming large

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