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  Kenny York vs. Damon Clark

Kenny: 5'9, 175

Kenny shows off

Rib-cracking side body scissors

Double '69' headscissors

Damion's schoolboy pin

Midnight Scissor Fest

Kenny has wanted a match with Damon ever since he first appeared on the scene, issuing challenges, insulting emails, and talking smack about him to anyone who would listen. Damon initially dismissed Kenny as another wannabe, but as the taunts and bad mouthing continued, a smoldering rage began to burn in his soul that could only find release on the mats! Night matches in the backyard are different than those fought in the light of day. There's something about the darkness, the smoky lighting, that seems to bring out the animal instincts in wrestlers, and this match is no exception. Kenny wears his trademark trunks, which show off his lean muscled body and cup his perfect ass. Damon shows up wearing a bikini that reveal his own assets, leaving little to the imagination, and as they taunt and threaten each other, it's soon apparent there is no love lost between the two men. Neither will settle for just a win, they want to destroy their opponent! And this match was set up not as a standard 2 of 3 to determine the winner, but rather a 'last man standing' match! Great grappling!

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Kenny York vs. Damon Clark
28 minutes

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Kenny gets squeezed

Damon: 6'1, 185

Leg splitting schoolboy

Taunts and torture

Butt to face headscissors

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