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  Kid Leopard & Kid Vicious vs. JJ Hart & The Sheriff  

KL 5'8 155 - KV 6' 165

Vicious has the Deputy by the throat

Leopard grinds Deputy's groin

Vicious taunts 'n teases the Lawmen

I Fought the Law, and the Law...

Anyone who's dared face Leopard or Vicious has been ripped, stripped and left quivering in the ring. The Lawmen have sworn to stamp out such villainy! The heels say "Bring it on, job boys!" Despite falling for the oldest trick in the book (the opening boot to the breadbasket), The Sheriff rallies to control Vicious long enough for the lawmen to dish out a little double teaming as he tags in his Deputy. Or maybe that's what the heels want - a chance to isolate and work over the younger, more vulnerable rookie? They break out every dirty trick in their vast repertoire: blatant chokes, "illegal" bare-knuckled punches, even sitting on "the kid's" face, repeatedly interrupting the obvious and easy pinfall just to dish out more punishment. The Sheriff's had enough! He takes Leopard down while the Deputy cuts Vicious off before he can interfere. Will the biggest heels on the underground circuit finally get their well-deserved comeuppance? The chastened losers are knocked out and left handcuffed in the ring - intense old school pro!


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Kid Leopard & Kid Vicious vs. JJ Hart & The Sheriff
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Deputy Hart trapped and tortured by Leopard

KV drops a big knee on the Sheriff

Deputy 6' 175 - Sheriff 5'9 170

Deputy Hart hammers Vicious

Deputy Hart reaches for the Sheriff

Deputy Hart leopard-locked

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