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  Vince Tarelli vs. Jaxx O'Doul

Vince Tarelli

Vince's vice grip

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Camel Clutched!

Bodybuilder vs. Wolf-in-Sheep's-Clothing Babyface

At first glance, beefy babyface budding pro-heel Jaxx and rugged, ripped buzzcut and goateed hunk Vince may not seem wrestlers of a similar stripe. After making Jaxx wait, it's clear Vince thinks so, too. "You can't handle THIS," he spits, flexing his biceps into imposing angular peaks before demanding a pre-fight armwrestling contest. But as Brad Rochelle found out to his body and spirit breaking dismay, there's more to Jaxx than meets the eye, and after four minutes of face-twisting strain, Vince agrees. "Get your ass in the ring," Jaxx orders, flashing surprisingly big guns. Pro perfection: collar 'n elbow lockup into a slingshot/leapfrog/monkeyflip sequence. Vince counters the move, catching Jaxx's legs and attempting to pancake the teen heel face-first in the middle of the ring, but jumpin' Jaxx lands on his feet. Vince shoots Jaxx into the ropes and armdrags him on the rebound, but a second attempt goes awry when Jaxx snaps his thighs shut on his thick neck! High-impact pro moves: Vince hits a jarring Rock Bottom, but poses too long and loses the easy pin; Jaxx reverses a slingshot, catches Vince's crossbody and DRILLS the hardbody with his trademark "JaxxHammer" side slam! Frustrated and humiliated, Vince stoops to kicking Jaxx in the crotch! Extreme prejudice worthy of a Grudge Match.

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Vince Tarelli vs. Jaxx O'Doul
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Jaxx bearhugs the bodybuilder

Jaxx O'Doul

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