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  Jean Luray vs. Jose

Jean Luray

Jean airplane spins Jose

Jose poses over Jean

Just try and get up

Cops and Robbers!

Adorably cute novice Jean sneaks into the ring after hours, changes into red trunks and starts bouncing around. He is startled by the unexpected arrival of a uniformed officer. The naive youngster pleads with "Officer" Jose not to turn him in. "Put me down one time and you can go," Jose promises as he strips down to a light blue bikini. Reluctant but also turned on by the challenge, Jean shows off some of his newfound wrestling skills against a surprised Jose. "I don't want any trouble!" Jean pleads. But it's too late for that as infamous gut-buster Jose works the rookie's gut relentlessly: In the corner with punches and knee drives, with a stomach buster over the knee, major and repeated straddle gut punching and the inevitable, infamous claw. But it's not a complete squash as the spunky Jean comes back with holds and punches of his own. This, of course, only gets Jose more excited. A tight abdominal stretch leaves Jean's gut wide open for more punishment. The sultry, sulking french boy suffers in abject agony, exciting Jose to administer even more abuse until the crying babyface collapses in total defeat. A beautiful squash as hapless Jean falls prey to another disguised bad boy.

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Jean Luray vs. Jose
24 minutes

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Jose pounds away

More ab abuse on cute Jean

Jose chinlocks Corey

Jose pulls Jean up by the hair

Gutbuster over the knee

Ab stretch with a stomach claw

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