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  Ace Aarons vs. Bruno LaBestia

Ace Aarons: 5'9, 185 lbs

Rolled up on his shoulders, Ace is forced to watch as Bruno brutally batters his bulge

Aarons takes a dirty route to get back in control with a brutal crushing claw to Bruno's bulge

LaBestia throws up a big double bicep flex as he sits comfortably on Ace in a schoolboy pin

Big Bruno traps Aaron's perky nipple in his mouth as he's worked over in the corner

LaBestia looks to toss Ace to the mat to finish him off but Aarons lashes out with a ballgrab

Hard To Get

What a match-up! Just mentioning 'Ace' and 'Bruno' is enough to create a Pavlovian response from the thoughts of these very erotically inclined, hunky wrestlers, together at last. Right from their first appearances in BG East, fans were conditioned to react to the mix of passion and punishment they both are masters of. For both of them, victory is not only about making your opponent give up, but also give in. Ace will seduce with his bad boy looks. Bruno is a ferocious teddy bear capable of sadistic turns. But even though their looks might be different, their MOs are the same: smash, then kiss; hit, then caress; destroy, then embrace. They both might be insatiable, but they also don't like getting what they want the easy way. Pinning them against each other was a stroke of genius. And I can bet this matchup was made knowing that we would be oozing more than just saliva before the match has even started.

Ace looks impatient as he waits for his opponent to arrive. His gear holds what has to be one of the biggest bulges in BG East history. It is only right to wrap that anaconda in metallic scales print, making it more intimidating than it already is. Relieved his foe didn't chicken out, Ace clearly likes what he sees. Bruno is flattered Ace thinks he's "adorable," but makes it clear that is not going to change the fact Ace is in for an ass whooping. "Watch what you suggest about what you are going to do with my ass," warns Ace. "There's a lot I can suggest that I'm gonna do to your ass," retorts Bruno. They seem to go for a test of strength, but Aarons outsmarts Bruno and circles around, grabbing the Beast from behind. "Now who's got whose ass?"

As the first holds are applied, it is evident that power is the Beast's best resource. But the wily bad boy is skilled enough to reverse a camel clutch by sliding under Bruno, hooking his arms under his legs and lifting Bruno's ass up in the air. "All this talk about ass and look what I have right in my face!" Once again, Bruno's power shines through breaking a semi-seated nelson and clamping a reverse figure-4 headscissors. "Said you wanted a face full of ass... how about that?!" Not even 5 minutes of action have gone by, and we already have a bulge planted right on top of someone's face, muffling the sound of heavy breathing. It goes without saying this will just be just the first of many times this will happen along the 28 minutes of raw, sexy action.

These men play the most excruciating game of one-upmanship by asking each other for more pain, but most importantly, more pleasure! Taunts are made with the only intention of pushing each other to dish the best they can give. Each passing minute, everything becomes more brutal and even more sensual. Back and forth, again and again, they go much further than just playing hard to get. Ace submits. Bruno submits. But they keep coming back for more, making this one of the sexiest wars to ever be part of this long-running series.

The last five minutes of action puts one these wrestlers just a bulge ahead of the other with what seems to be demolishing finisher. But a brutal series of low blows gives the other the last chance to get what he wants. But will he actually get it? All the arousing action doesn't stop until the victor lays on top of his conquest, sweat still dripping from every inch of his body, catching his breath before he decides what to do with his new conquest. With all this hot action, this one will be impossible to finish in just one sitting!

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Ace Aarons vs. Bruno LaBestia
28 minutes

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Ringwars 33 Arena Galleries

FREE Action Clip on Arena

Hanging from the ropes, Ace is dragged up helplessly, his massive cock used as a handlebar

Bruno is led and trapped in the corner, bracing himself against Aarons' vicious gutbash

Grovelling at the feet of Bruno, Ace looks about finished as he crawls weakly up his body

A sweat soaked Aarons tightens his powerful legs with a figure four headscissors on Bruno

Aarons is prey to another erotic attack from the Beast as Bruno gnaws on his nips again

Bruno throws up a single bicep flex as he works Ace's face into his crotch with a headscissors

Bruno LaBestia: 5'7, 188 lbs

"Who's got whose ass?" big Bruno leans back lifting Aarons in a neck-crunching full nelson

Bruno takes a seat on the helplessly upturned face of Aarons as he's trapped in the corner

Lifted off his feet off the mat with a big uppercut to his muscled core

Aarons' anaconda presses against Bruno's core as Aarons whispers sweet threats in his ear

With two big hands around his neck, Bruno drags a protesting Aarons to his feet

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