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  Rico Rave vs. Sky Davis

Rico Rave 5'8", 175 lbs

The struggle begins: the two ring-warriors lock up with a collar-and-elbow

Rico turns his helpless opponent over for a boston crab

A camel clutch variation nearly folds Sky's spine in half

Sky goes for a fly as Rico carries him up and over for a ring-shaking slam

Rico looks to be in trouble, seated and locked up by his smaller foe

Natural Enemies

Sky's ponytail is not the only thing coltish about the babyface. Though experienced, he's still green, and his long, slender legs aren't quite as steady on the ring floor as they ought to be, but he bucks and bounds with youthful energy and high aspirations. His enthusiasm can be an advantage against a world-weary veteran like Rico Rave or it can blind the kid to the real risks of taking on a powerful, seasoned opponent. Both Sky and Rico come to us from the world of professional wrestling, but Rico has six previous BG East matches to Sky's one. Rico also has about thirty pounds on Sky, which is a difference that can definitely be FELT in a pro ring war.

Rico takes one look at Sky and huffs contemptuously. He scrapes his boots on the floor like a bull ready to charge and then swaggers to the ring. He motions to Sky to keep his distance as he performs the slow and ostentatious ritual of removing his leather jacket and steel-rimmed shades in front of the mirror. The two wrestlers circle each other silently and warily and then suddenly lock up. Rico takes Sky down with a leg lock and proceeds to stomp the longhair kid's hamstrings. Sky retaliates with a deftly executed cross armbar. After some spirited give and take, Rico takes command by pulling Sky backwards by his long hair and plowing a black boot into the youngster's solar plexus. The two wrestlers are highly expressive, elevating the ring drama and pulling the viewer into the emotions and sensations of manual combat. Rico stands out as a heel who openly enjoys hurting people, especially young go-getters like Sky Davis.

No sooner does Sky push back than Rico reins him in by his long blond hair and slaps him into the ring corner. There Rico delivers a man-style drubbing with closed-fist punches to the face and boot stomps to the heart. Then he rakes Sky's forehead and eyes across the top rope before thrusting him backwards to the center of the ring. Blindly and futilely, Sky charges back at Rico, only to be unceremoniously pounded face first to the mat. Rico circles Sky menacingly. He goes for one of his favorite holds, the side headlock, churning Sky's head, his ponytail by now completely undone, between his bicep and chest. Sky elbows his way loose and springboards off the ropes for a valiant comeback, putting Rico into the same headlock he had just escaped. It's a long slow grind as Rico struggles to escape by yanking Sky's hair and pulling the kid up off his feet, but Sky latches on even tighter.

It's a great moment for fans of the side headlock (you know who you are). Rico breaks free by driving himself and his opponent down to the mat. Quick to his feet, Sky bounds back, reapplies the hold and hip-tosses Rico to the mat. The two struggle to their feet, the headlock still in place. Sky releases the hold only to come flying back with a forearm thrust to Rico's face. He briefly reasserts the headlock before segueing to a snapmare and armlock. But Rico's added weight and years of experience come into play as pure brute force counters Sky's bounce and vitality. Enraged, Rico trounces Sky against the ropes, on the mat, weaponizing every feature of the ring in his determination to squash the youngster.

Given the physical disparities between the two wrestlers, the persistent give and take comes as a surprise, a happy one, as experience and brute force butt up against passion and vigor. No sooner do we think we understand the trajectory of this battle than something happens to reverse the momentum. The ferocity of the fight intensifies minute by minute. Persistent hair-pulling and low blows suffuse the battle with a strongly erotic subtext, undeniable but understated throughout, not at all unusual for BG East, where martial dominance often equates to sexual power. Either man is capable of winning this match, as the action repeatedly demonstrates. Both reach near exhaustion by the end, when a volley of classic wrestling maneuvers (from camel clutch to crab hold to figure four) leads to the cataclysmic piledriver that neatly ties up the loose strings.

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Rico Rave vs. Sky Davis
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Ringwars 24 Arena Galleries

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Rico struggles his way free of a side headlock

Rico seeks to end the contest with a figure-four leglock

The long-haired babyface clutches his leg as he suffers on the mat

Sky goes momentarily airborne as an armdrag takes him down to the canvas

Big, bad Rico seizes hold of Sky's leg and begins to turn him over

Pure desperation displayed as Sky rolls his opponent up for a pin with a handful of trunks

Sky Davis 5'8" 145 lbs

Rico drags a screaming Sky up by his long ponytail

Sky, his hair spread like a halo, is but a wasted, limp ragdoll in the face of Rico's machinations

Rico pulls his opponent off the mat whilst keeping his long hair torturously trampled underfoot

Sky fights through the pain as he's turned in a single-leg boston crab

Rico raises his fists high in victory over a wasted, motionless Sky

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