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  Jonny Firestorm vs. Dylon Roberts  

Jonny Firestorm - 5'5, 160

Dylon pounded in the corner

Bulge squeeze to escape a scissors

Total torture! The rookie racked!

Jonny locks his elbows to his knees to trap the rookie. Dylon suffers in a punishing camel clutch

Again??? Damn! Jonny Wrecks and Ruins a Perfectly Good Rookie

Dylon Roberts unlaces his pants and slips them off, revealing a plunging white singlet that, if we can express an opinion here, showcases one of the nicest butts we've seen in a long, long time, firm, smooth, and perfectly globular like a couple of melons, and up front, snug but not too tightly compressed in the silky stretch fabric at the crotch, the well articulated outline of some serious attention-grabbing man-junk. No cup, no strap - jiggling free and loose as jelly on a pogo stick. Did anybody warn this guy about the badass he was about to face in the ring? Well, no, unsurprisingly nobody around here would pay the boy that courtesy. It's too much fun to wait to see what happens when Jonny Firestorm discovers what we've got dangling on a string for him. The handsome youngster with a smart and sexy skinhead attitude makes a great first impression, but in a matter of seconds he looks like nothing so much as the cute white mouse newly tossed into the piranha tank.

"I have a reputation around here," Firestorm sinisterly purrs as he steps between the ropes, "for kicking ass." And indeed he does. He has chalked up over thirty fights at BG East since he first squared off against the legendary Brad Rochelle in the seminal Contract series, and Jonny has walked away from nearly all those fights with wins. Our first impression of Jonny was, of course, amazement at his technical skills as a wrestler. His scrappiness and fight fueled a string of big-versus-little matches, where he mopped up the floor with men twice his size and weight. Then he was our go-to guy for breaking in new talent. He served as trainer and rite of passage for some of the best new guys on the roster. Gradually, though, a dark side has emerged - the badder than bad side of a confident young man who has turned conscienceless cruelty into an art form.

Jonny is in fighting shape here, sporting the smooth look we remember from his recent past. And he's clearly stoked for this fight, like he's got some built-up tension that only an act of violence will alleviate. It doesn't take him long to notice Roberts' lack of defenses, and he takes aim at the young wrestler's biggest and most obvious weak spot. He tosses the rookie down to the mat and starts smashing the boy's family jewels like they are a couple of doggy squeak toys. He alternates slapping the vulnerable outthrust with the palms of his hands and then striking single-bicep poses to the tune of Dylon's helpless moans. Bored with that, he pinches the kid's nipples tightly, rolling them between his thumbs and forefingers, and then his attention returns to slapping the rookie's privates. Welcome to BG East, Dylon Roberts - it's going to be your personal living hell!


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Wreckers 1: Bad, Badder, Baddest!


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Jonny Firestorm vs. Dylon Roberts
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