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  Jobe Zander vs. Billy Lodi  

Jobe Zander - 6', 190

Billy goes for the gusto

Knee grind to the groin

Jobe's junk gets a Billy wedgie

Billy taunts The Centerpiece with a tight cutting body scissors and groping grabbing crotch claw

Is That a Pistol in Your Pocket?

The self-style "Centerpiece" has shot off his mouth a lot since he came to BG East - but hasn't exactly covered himself with the kind of glory he promised. His humiliating losses to Cole Cassidy, Jonny Firestorm, and Kid Vicious have showcased his vaunted centerpiece but little else and every loss has triggered a barrage of excuses and a torrent of abuse directed at The Boss who interrupted one of Jobe's tirades with, "How about this young kid we just signed? He's won a couple of matches but I'd like to see him tested. In fact, he's in the ring right now, waiting." "Yeah, yeah, whatever." Jobe snarled as he stormed out of the office and headed to the ring.

Maybe there IS something to Jobe's whacked out conspiracy theories. Billy Lodi isn't some unskilled, untested chump sitting around waiting for a beating - as Cameron Matthews found out when they battled in the mat room. Sure, he's young and might not have as much experience as some of the others - but he makes up for it with a surly attitude and a desire to win at any cost. He's not above taking some cheap shots, if that's what it takes to win, and he fears no one. The Boss himself has taken a personal interest in Billy. Some have even heard The Boss say that Billy's attitude reminds him of his favorite wrestler when young - himself! High praise indeed from the master of a thousand holds - and a thousand cheap shots!

Maybe it's Billy's penchant for punishment and crotch abuse. Maybe it's how he likes to get his opponent horny and hard and then crush that hard on. Maybe it's the obvious pleasure he derives from holds like backbreakers, bodyscissors, wedgies, ball grabs or anything which elicits a submission. Or maybe it's because he's just so fucking cocky and cute!


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Catch Weight 2 Arena Galleries

Billy dominates the big boy

Jobe choked and chumped as Billy does a body search. Now what do we have down HERE?!

Billy Lodi - 5'10, 132

Jobe punishes Billy

Pinned by The Centerpiece!

Ball-grabbing over the knee

Sweaty Jobe jobbed and junked, his bulging 'centerpiece' stretched out long and hard

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