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  Alexi Adamov vs. Corlis Jackson

Alexi Adamov- 6'3, 224

Body scissors stalemate

Corlis works a full boston

Corlis squeezes a side-sleeper

Serious cross body scissors

Winning Streak on the Line

Winning 3 matches in a row in the gauntlet The Boss prepared for him in "Who's Next?" gave The Boss an unwelcome surprise and Alexi a big boost of confidence that almost negates all the defeats he has suffered since arriving on the BGE scene. The kudos from the fans, the new respect from the other wrestlers (he has not since been referred to as a 'doormat' on the message board since the release of "Who's Next?"), and a whole new relationship with The Boss has filled Alexi's head with dreams of what the future might hold. And much to The Boss' displeasure, Alexi has begun exhibiting 'star' behavior. About newcomer Corliss: "He's lucky to be wrestling me," he tells The Boss. Oh my...

Needless to say, this high-handedness pleases neither The Boss nor Corliss. Corliss may be new to BGEast, but he is not new to wrestling. And his body is simply...well, awe-inspiring. Thick but also lean and incredibly defined, he has quads of amazing thickness and power, and is known far and wide as a scissors specialist. He is neither impressed by nor afraid of Alexi, and he is not accustomed to being treated like some nobody either. When he stalks into the matroom where Alexi is warming up, wearing a pair of shades and green trunks that cannot cover his rock-hard round derriere, he stops, stares and sneers, "I'm here to kick some pretty boy butt!" We don't doubt it!

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Alexi Adamov vs. Corlis Jackson
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Other Alexi Adamov Matches

Fantasymen 31 Arena Galleries

Fantasymen 31: Muscle vs Muscle

Corlis tries a nelson/scissors

Corlis Jackson - 6'1, 212

Collar and elbow lock-up

Alexi tries to crank an arm bar

Alexi on top but Corlis in control

Alexi snaps on a crunching wrist-locking camel clutch

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