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  Alexi Adamov vs. Sandro  

Alexi cranks Sandro's shoudler

Brilliant double arm bar surfboard

Alexi struggles to control Sandro

Sandro splayed and displayed

Alexi trapped in Sandro's scissors

Beautiful Butts in Briefs

'He's tougher than I thought,' Christian admits when he rejoins the boys at the BG Arena, exhausted and drained. His friends commiserate with him over his defeat, and when Christian adds, 'He said to send out some muscle,' everyone's eyes turn to Sandro. 'Sure,' Sandro stands up. 'I'll beat his butt.'

Sandro won kudos and fans in his WRESTLESHACK 11 debut beating of fellow rookie CJ Parker. Sandro is extraordinarily muscular and sexy, with the determination every true champion carries in his heart. He walks onto the mats with the confidence of a rookie willing to put it all on the line. Sweat drenched Alexi, nods. 'Bout time they sent me some muscle,' he says, adding, 'but you still aren't man enough.'

Sandro remains silent, slipping off his shorts to reveal a pair of briefs that only get sexier as he begins to sweat. They shake hands and start circling each other. Alexi is bigger, but despite his victories in the earlier matches, they've taken a toll on him. The spring in his step is a tad slower than earlier'and Sandro is no pushover. He's strong, determined, and not about to lose to the company 'doormat'. They lock up in an impressive display of muscle mat wrestling, neither willing to let the other hold an advantage for long.


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Alexi Adamov vs. Sandro
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