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  Jaxx O'Doul vs. Clay Calder

Jaxx O'Doul

Jax goes for a boston

Clay's head scissors

Clay crippler crossfaced

Rookies Romp

Evenly matched in size and experience, both combatants are looking for a win to start of their pro careers. Clay gets things going with series of snapmares. Jumping, Jaxx comes back with 2 picture perfect dropkicks. But 3 in a row is one too many. Clay works the leg - twisting it over the ropes and stomping Jaxx's vulnerable inner thigh before delivering a hip-wrenching dragon screw takeover. A lion-tamer looks like doom, but Jaxx reverses it into an ankle lock - someone's been studying his tapes of Angle vs Jericho! Add the name Benoit to that list, because moments later he goes for a crippler crossface. Dazzling sequences abound. After trading falls, the winner dominates in the final round. Two very impressive ring rookie debuts!

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Jaxx O'Doul vs. Clay Calder
28 minutes

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Jaxx nails a 4-in-1

Jaxx goes to boston

Clay Calder

Sitting deep into a cemal

Clay cranks an armbar

Jaxx nelsoned and scissored

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