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  Grant Lee vs. Neil Hewitt

Neil Hewitt 6'

Backbreaker! Give it up

Big beefy back-busting bearhug

And you're OUT! One...

From Friendly Fight to Heavy-Handed Hotel Invasion

Gold trunks with one provocatively placed red star, blue kneepads, white boots--painstakingly selected and adorned gear. Stretching, pacing, anticipating--those heady minutes before an opponent arrives. Neil is a private wrestler who savors every element of the experience - and every style of action. He's hoping that his newly acquired mat skills will help equalize the obvious handicap in facing an imposing opponent 3 stone (42 lbs!) heavier. Slipping in through an unlocked door, big, beefy and clad in black trunks and brutal-looking boots, Grant's is a body built to brutalize. No words are spoken. A quick cranking headlock shows Grant's greater strength; Neil's counter into a hammerlock hints at his superior technique. The testing and trying ensues, each mining for an opening. Neil strikes gold: a knee-in-butt surfboard, a deathlock and a wrenching bow 'n arrow, and shock of shocks, the beefy brute in black submits. Grant the Great is not happy!

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Grant Lee vs. Neil Hewitt
26 minutes

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Grant drawn and quartered

Grant chokes Neil

Grant Lee 6'1

A big boot to Neil's ribs

A full forceful boston

Humiliating 15 stone pin

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