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  Jobe Zander vs. Exavier

Jobe Zander: 6', 190 lbs

Donning a cape, Jobe Zander climbs the ropes to soak in the adoration of his many fans

Jobe looks about ready to tap out on the mat in submission with Exavier's knee-stressing hold

Exavier seizes control of Jobe and sets him up for hangman neckbreaker hold

Zander exults victoriously over Exavier with a celebratory schoolboy pin

A sweat soaked Jobe Zander fixes his trunks, putting his award-winning assets on display

Throwback Throwdown

The 4:3 aspect ratio of this match is indicative that we are taking a dive into the BG East vault for a special throwback throwdown! This is not any matchup; it's the lost battle between two of the most prolific pros to ever step into the BGE ring! Exavier and Jobe Zander boast extensive careers, which span more than 15 matches each in BGE alone. They have almost exclusively fought their battles in the ring; it feels right to see them face each other here at last. Exavier has been wildly successful, raking up victories against jobbers, fan favorites, and even future international superstars alike. Even when he's lost, his opponents have been put through hell. Meanwhile, Jobe's record... Well... uhm... Let's just say more often than not, Jobe matches end up with him painfully clutching his "Centerpiece." That mighty monument between his legs is what he's most proud of, and it probably has more fans than Jobe himself. But the truth, even if he is in denial about it, is that his mighty bulge has been nothing but his biggest weakness.

"Who are you? asks Jobe. "No, no, no. Who are you?!" questions back Exavier. Apparently, Jobe has hijacked "some other guy's" ring reservation, that "other guy" being the man he's looking right to the face. Blessed be these ring schedule conflicts, which have brought so much joy to our world! When Jobe suggests Exavier to back down, the tiger-print geared pro takes charge of the mirror. But for Jobe, having to keep the ring is absolutely useless if he can't have the mirror. The narcissistic jobber gives us the usual show, stripping to an even tighter version of his outer trunks, once again letting the "Centerpiece" become the star of the show.

Exavier has to take deep breaths to avoid bashing away at the annoying egomaniac. It is surprising he has kept up with his shenanigans this long when we have seen him break other adversaries for half of what he's had to endure today. But when Jobe's routine takes him to the high spot of one ring corner, a fed-up Exavier launches the long-awaited surprise attack!

Jobe's face gets lost in the same flashy cape he used to prance around in so long. When the beefier powerhouse tries to use it once again to block his opponent's vision, quick-witted Jobe throws it back to create a break that will lead to two failed pin attempts. With both back on their feet, now it is really time to play. Back and forth the aggressive action goes until a savage Irish whip has Exavier relinquishing the use of the ring's famed mirror. But Jobe's ego is so big, he once again can't even see what's coming: the first blow to the "Centerpiece"!

Both men rage on, fueled by the intense hatred that develops as they tried to outdo each other. More pinning attempts are unsuccessful, but when one of them actually succeeds, it's as if hell breaks loose! The sweat continuously cascading from their bodies is evidence that this could be the toughest match they've had in their life. Jobe is able to mount a formidable offense, one that might allow him to pull the ultimate upset. However, his biggest weakness is still there, front and center, and if he's not able to realize this, his cause might be lost. Not to spoil the ending for you, but: the winner is not completely satisfied with what he's done, and in true heel fashion, he returns for an extra round of punishment, making sure to add a final insult to the all the inflicted injuries.

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Jobe Zander vs. Exavier
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Jobe looms over Exavier, getting in his face for even daring to challenge him

Exavier brings Zander crashing hard to the mat with a leg-sweeping body drop

Exavier curls and writhes on the mat helpless as Jobe rains death from above with a kneedrop

Zander writhes and reaches desperately for the ropes as he's trapped in a crippling crossface

Jobe is wrapped up and trapped, helpless in Exavier's leg-assisted choke hold

Zander brings Exavier crashing facedown on the mat with a big elbow drop

Exavier: 5'9, 185 lbs

Exavier indulges in the same pageantry with the white cape to one-up the "Centerpiece" showman

Exavier zeroes in on Zander's prized "Centerpiece" with a well-aimed low blow

Zander works over Exavier's back with a backbending camel clutch, nelson combination

Bent back over the turnbuckles, Exavier in agony as Zander claws at his handsome face

Exavier clutches at his busted back, writhing under the imposing form of Jobe Zander

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