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  Aryx Quinn vs. Denny Cartier  

Denny Cartier - 5'6, 165 lbs

Denny splits Aryx with a cradle

Aryx stretches Denny over his knee

Aryx makes use of his singlet

Aryx Quinn sends Denny Cartier soaring into space with a high-flying double underhook suplex

Dominating In Denny's Domain

Somebody on the inside must be tipping Aryx off as to the itinerary of The Boss, because he has a knack for being a no-show whenever Kid Leopard is around. But as soon as The Boss is out the door on another trip to recruit new talent, Aryx shows up shooting off his mouth about how KL is just "lucky" not to be here. You can't really blame the guy for not wanting another face-to-face with his former mentor. After KL personally made sure Aryx was crushed and completely humiliated beneath the ass of rising favorite Eddy Rey in Leopard's Lair 3, the break between The Boss and his former protégé became official. No longer daddy's favorite, Aryx has been keenly aware of the bullseye now painted on his all-over tanned ass whenever he walks onto the BG East compound, and never is his hot ass more in jeopardy than when KL is on site.

After Aryx "called in sick" when The Boss slated him to face both Denny Cartier and Alexi Adamov in back-to-back matches, he suddenly felt a resurgence of health around the same time that Kid Leopard boarded a plane out of Boston two days later. Back at BG East, Aryx struts around the place as if he's still second-in-command. Finding Denny training in the mat room (which is where you can pretty much always find hard-working Denny!), Aryx starts playing mind games the moment he steps onto the mat, a skill he learned at the feet of the master. "I was supposed to be wrestling a guy named Danny here," he scoffs, joining pretty much every opponent Denny's ever faced in making fun of his name.

"You look pretty strong," Denny acknowledges as Aryx flexes for himself in the mirror.

"I'm pretty everything, believe me!" Aryx scoffs. He continues flexing, bragging about his conditioning while expressing concern that Denny seems to have "lost weight." The first lesson Aryx learned from Kid Leopard: win the match psychologically before you ever lay a hand on him! When Denny proposes a "take down tournament," ever-cocky Aryx offers to wrestle with one arm stuck in his singlet. Perhaps he should have proposed Denny wrestle one-armed, because like a machine, Denny earns 6 unanswered take-downs. Fortunately for Aryx, Denny stops keeping count, because he's putting Aryx' tanned, buff body on his back over and over again. When KL's former right hand man catches Denny in a headlock briefly, Aryx' ponderous ego snaps fully erect once again. "You're in my pit now!" he crows. Seconds later, Denny reverses and puts the badboy's big, bulging shoulders to the mat once again. A crotch-ripping spladle wrenches out a humbling submission. Denny's in his natural habitat, sliding and spinning across the mat and his opponent's sweaty body with the confidence and command of hundreds of mat matches and thousands of hours training. It's no wonder The Boss hand-picked Denny to knock Aryx down a peg in the mat room!


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Lair 4: Denny's Double Duty


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Aryx Quinn vs. Denny Cartier
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