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  Tyrell Tomsen vs. Dev Michaels  

Dev Michaels - 5'10, 200 lbs

Dev confronts Tyrell in the locker

Tyrell's very cocky schoolboy pin

Putting Tyrell in his place!

Dev wraps Tyrell's arm around his neck and prepares to pound the big muscle stud into submission

"Who's the Tough Guy Now, Huh?"

Dev Michaels does not like what Tyrell Tomsen did to his buddy Z-Man. Not one bit. It's probably safe to say that seeing handsome Z left in a shattered heap in the middle of the ring touched something deep inside of Dev. Maybe it was partly pity for the guy, but it was not only pity. It was something deeper. He and Z were tight buds from the workout circuit and even occasional tag partners on the underground wrestling scene. They had each other's back and formed a special bromance bond. The sight of Z-Man totally robbed of his manhood and bereft of his defenses, viciously punished by a considerably bigger man stirred Dev's emotions. What emotions? Well, the tender sight of a battered fitness model can stir all types of feelings. But, mostly, for Michaels, it was a primitive urge to execute justice on the man who had done this awful deed to his special bro. He felt a current in his blood, crying for vengeance. It was as if the ancient Furies had risen again, grabbed him in their blood-crusted hands, and whispered hoarsely into his ear, "Revenge."

In legends of old, long before slick lawyers tickled juries' ears with rhetoric and crooked judges' palms with stock options, before even the dark ages of trial by ordeal - further back than the wise kings Solomon and Minos, whose reigns are still remembered for their uncannily wise judgments pronounced in the absence of any evidence or argument - before all this, justice meant one thing, revenge: an eye for an eye, a tooth for tooth - you mess with one of mine, and I'm coming after yours. Even today, beneath the tidy veneer of civilization, brute justice survives. "Hey," Dev says tersely, soft-spoken as Dirty Harry. Tomsen's ears perk up. Dev continues, "I don't like what you did to my buddy." He stands calmly in the doorway, his thick beefy muscularity blocking the way to the ring, dressed in sexy-as-fuck tighty whitey briefs, with one foot propped up on a bench.

Tomsen smiles broadly and turns full on to Michaels and calls the man's buddy a "pussy." Dev moves right up Tyrell's face, glaring expressionlessly into his smirking eyes. One touch sparks it off. A shove quickly turns nasty when Dev pins Tyrell to the wall with one hand, driving fist and knee to the muscle god's gut, and then walks him to the ring to bash his head down against the apron. Dev outweighs Tyrell as much as Tomsen outweighed Z-Man, and Tyrell just might be thinking he should have gone a little easier on the guy. Too late now. "Who's the tough guy now?" Dev roars, while bending Tyrell's shoulders against the bottom rope. In his two previous matches at BG East, the big burly newcomer has already made his presence felt - sort of the way a thunderhead makes its presence felt. He pinches Tomsen by the tits, bears down on top of him crushing, and then hiking his knee to smash the muscle model's big imposing bulge. "I hear you like cheap shots." Tyrell's groans can almost be taken to mean "But not so much at the moment."


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Tyrell drops the big elbow

Massive rib shattering bearhug!

Tyrell Tomsen - 5'11, 185 lbs

Punishing big Dev with a camel

Single leg: Going for the gusto!

Double claw on those big pecs

A colossus looming above his prey, Dev balances on Tyrell's abs and savors his opponent's pain!

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