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  Joe Robbins vs. Jayden Mayne  

Big Joe Robbins - 6'2, 240 lbs

Jayden suspended in Joe's nelson

Neck-crunching side headlock

Jayden scissors the big dude

Joe's rib-cracking suspended body scissors strains his trunks in the back - and Jayden's in the fron

We Do Not Train to Be Merciful Here

Cute Jayden Mayne eyes Big Joe Robbins warily with a grim glint in his eyes. Robbins has a formidable height and weight advantage over the rookie. On top of that Robbins carries himself to the ring like the prototypical big jock used to having his way - and that's because he always has! He bears a passing resemblance to those eighties actors cast as the guys who beat up Ralph Macchio all the time. But Mayne, in his one previous outing on BG East's Ringwars 19, has experience handling a bigger wrestler, in a surprisingly even bout against arrogant tough guy Trent Blayze. He showed incredible pluck and a tenacity which hints at a darker underside. But then Blayze was a rookie the same as Mayne, and he was nowhere as big as Robbins, a badass who has more held his own against men like Dick Rick, Denny Cartier, Kieran Dunne, Tyrell Tomsen, and Lon Dumont.

Sensing that the best thing to do is act fast and first, the odds being what they are, the lean and lovely Jayden opts for the cheap shot, punching Big Joe in the back, right over the kidneys. Uh oh! Retribution is speedy and sure. Robbins posts the slender neophyte to the four corners of the ring and then effortlessly hikes him up high into a two-handed suspended chokelift. Jayden's feet quiver, touching nothing but air, as his face turns veiny and red. The pretty boy throws punch after punch at Joe's gut, but he gets nowhere, the assault barely registering with Joe. The big man is pretty sure of himself when he asks Mayne, "Got anything else?" And he probably is rethinking the wisdom of that crack when nimble Jayden locks a standing headscissors and slams him on his back!

But size matters in wrestling. Always has, like it or not. Robbins aims to bust up Mayne's back but good, not even pausing as his opponent screams "I quit!" There's not a gram of mercy in the big brute. Robbins pulls the old ruse of pretending not to hear the man's submission - and then mistaking Jayden's frantic tapping for a congratulatory pat on the back! Very mean! Joe Robbins is the kind of heel to choke his opponent speechless while demanding a clearly audible submission. Then, as if he hasn't broken the kid in already, he drags Mayne around the ring, bashing his forehead against all four corner pads. It's young Jayden's official initiation to the big show at BG East! And will he ever be the same?


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Joe Robbins vs. Jayden Mayne
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Big Joe gorilla presses Jayden!

With sweet Jayden Mayne trapped in a camel clutch, Big Joe Robbins admires his own reflection

Jayden Mayne - 5'8, 148 lbs

Parading the lovely lightweight

Legs to legs boston crab

The punishing Robbins Rack!

Big Joe easily sweeps lean lovely Jayden off his feet into his brutal bearhug and parades him around

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