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  Bobby Burns vs. Bullet Bernard

Bullet applies a side headlock

Hair pulling rear headscissors

Bullet cranks on a rear chinlock

Bobby Burns hits a big suplex

Bullet Bernard suffers mightily as big Bobby Burns hovers over him, daring him to get up and fight

The Low Life

Some of us at BG East like nothing more than a battle between two bad boys. When both competitors are punks willing to cut corners for an easy win, we can root and cheer for either of them, it makes no difference whichâ??and, in turn, we enjoy their humiliation and suffering without a single pang of conscience. If both guys are bad guys, we can't trouble ourselves to make the fine ethical distinction over which one more deserves the living shit kicked out of him. It's always a win-win deal for the fans in a war between lowlifes.

Bobby Burns (6', 200 lbs) and Bullet Bernard (5'9, 175 lbs) have only one previous match at BGE. In Ring Rookies 1, Burns faced off against Caleb Brand in a classic showdown of straightedge athleticism versus stringy-haired pugnacity. Burns got it bad that day and swore that he'd never take that kind of thrashing from anyone ever again. In Pros in Private 6, Bullet relished delivering a classic whipping to apple-cheeked pretty boy Velvet Revolver. Now the two heels must face each other in the squared circle in a battle to determine who's badder. The question to be settled here is which of these guys is willing to take "bad" to the limit - and whether either is just a poser, a sheep in wolf's clothing.

Even if you never saw his previous match, it takes only a couple of seconds to peg handsome Bullet Bernard as the sneering, self-adoring heel he is. Bernard has got glowering down to an art form and brings to the ring the pouty intensity of a 1970s method actor, totally immersed in character. He's got the brooding dark good looks and the "lean and hungry" look of a classic Shakespearean scoundrel, with the samurai ponytail, chin patch, and Gothic cross tattoo as seals to his bad-ass-ness. He's also got a body that's beautifully proportionate and sexy as hell! In the ring, his eyes shift like a predator in search of prey or, when the going gets tough, a quick and easy getaway.

Bobby climbs into the ring and looks over at Bullet and sees just one thing: a man he wants to destroy. If Bullet is the cunning, calculating hipster, Burns is the hothead, a bully who likes to tear into fresh meat. He smells "phony" when he looks at Bullet, and he wants nothing more than to squeeze the stink out of the man. Bobby has the advantage of size, with the shoulders and limbs of a pack animal. Bobby looks like he'd be right at home in a Texas bull rope match, with steel cowbells as weapons. That's just another way of saying that Burns is a wrestler in the old "I-like-to-hurt-people" school.

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Bobby Burns vs. Bullet Bernard
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Bobby squeezes a body scissors on Bullet and works hard to secure a choke hold on the long hair

Bullet chokes Bobby on ropes

Bobby tries to snap Bullet's arm

Putting the boots to Bobby

Inverted reverse bearhug

Thrashing his opponent in the corner

Bobby Burns down for the count? Bullet Bernard hooks a leg and lenas back for the 3 count

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