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  Cameron Matthews vs. Beau Nasty

Cameron Matthews 5'11, 165

Beau berates Cameron

Cameron crushed with a stool

Beau's favorite finisher

“Oh You Nasty Beau!”

If you look up ?babyface? in the dictionary, there should be a picture of Cameron Matthews. He?s the babyface by which all others will be measured; that boyish grin, the innocent expression, and the youthful exuberance. Despite his lack of success in the ring, no matter how bad his beating, once he?s recovered he?s always ready and eager for more.

Beau Nasty is also appropriately named?one of the definitions of ?beau? is ?young man impressed by his own accomplishments?. And nasty? Well, that kind of speaks for itself! Beau Nasty?the sexy tanned sculpted 'Johnny Drama' muscle stud with the bad attitude and just a little bit of a sadistic streak.

And as soon as Beau sees his opponent, his ubiquitous sneer appears. ?What are you, like twelve and a half? Does your mother know you?re here? She coming to pick you up?cuz I sure ain?t driving you home.? And once Cameron gives Beau that first opening?the beatdown is on! And you gotta love that Beau?he keeps up a steady patter of insults with every blow. But no matter what Beau throws at the youngster, Cameron refuses to submit or give up. The kid definitely has heart?but after being beaten, battered and abused and unceremoniously chucked out of the ring, how much more can he take?

We wonder! Especially when Beau speaks the chilling words, ?Hey, boy, what you doing out there? Don?t you know that 'anything goes' out there on the floor?? And Beau hops on out and shows the kid exactly how dangerous it can be outside the ring?using a stool to beat on the kid, then choking him with it, before moving on to other foreign objects, then delivering some bone jarring flying elbow drops from the ring apron! All this before tying the youngster up in the ropes and whaling on him even some more! And when he throws the kid back into the ring for some further abuse, it?s just a matter of time before the first submission finally goes to Mister B Nasty.

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Cameron Matthews vs. Beau Nasty
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Beau beals Cameron across the ring

Beau Nasty 5'11, 180

Beau in the cat-bird seat!

Big slapping chest chop

No where to run or hide!

Beau bully chokes Cameron

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