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  J-Rock vs. Mario Testa


Mario is ripped!

Pounding those rock-hard abs

Gut-bashing the babyface

Rookie Pro Challenges Beefy Powerhouse!

We meet young Italo hunk Mario as he warms up in the BGE ring, geared up like the quintessential babyface in white trunks and boots. We are reminded of the old school days of pro wrestling, when naïve rookies awaited their better-known heel opponents, and WE excitedly anticipated their eventual delicious destruction. Enter rising BGEast bully J-Rock, looking incredulous. "Don't tell me you're my opponent?" he scoffs at the much smaller ripped pro-boy. Upon entering the ring, J-Rock bounces his pecs at Mario in a display of dominace and intimidation. Flexing his huge tree trunk legs and thighs, he shows the younger and considerably smaller bodybuilder what massive muscular development is all about. Mario flashes his boyish smile, pulls down the waistband of his trunks, and exposing his chiseled lower abs. Mildly impressed, J-R asks Mario to pose for him and the kid, eager to please, happily obliges. Could Mario's trunks ride any lower? "It's about speed" says Mario, noting the obvious size difference between him and his double-wide opponent. J-R decides to give Mario a shot and immediately starts throwing the kid around the ring with great ease. But this is no squash-job. On no! Collar and elbow, and Mario takes J-Rock off his feet! Mario flashes that winning smile again as a shocked and somewhat pissed off J-Rock recovers and stalks his prey. Does the prettyboy punk have a chance against the big muscle daddy?

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J-Rock vs. Mario Testa
23 minutes

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J-Rock rocks Mario's world

Mario works a headlock

Get up

Boy & arrow on the big boy

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Below the belt....

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