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  Chase Addams vs. Seon Cruz

Chase Addams: 6', 170 lbs

Seon clutches Chase by the throat and lifts him off his feet in a suspended stranglehold

Seon wraps his long, toned legs around Chase's torso with an inverted headlock bodyscissor combo

Seated amd folded, a crotch-ripped, legsplit Seon gets his arms yanked up his back in a double armbar

On all fours with his gear wedged up his ass, Chase's exposed ass gets a spanking from Seon

Chase claims his throne and mounts his foe in a smothering crotch-to-face schoolgirl pin

"All is fair in love and war, bitch!"

Like a gorgeous butterfly emerging from its cocoon, Chase Addams has transformed from a diabolically efficient technical wrestler into the self-proclaimed bitch queen of BG East. He loves the aesthetic curves of his rigorously trained body. He luxuriates in the seductive touch of silk that makes him feel as pampered as he knows he deserves to be. Chase adores his soft edges, like relaxing in solitude and fanning himself in the summer heat, just as much as he delights in breaking the bodies of obviously inferior opponents.

There's a new rival to Chase's throne these days, however. Seon Cruz intrudes on Chase's "me time" on the back deck, stopping to smell the flowers. When Chase dramatically folds his silk fan and curls his upper lip with contempt, explaining that this spot is privately reserved, Seon snarks back having none of Chase's condescending attitude. "I don't see any signs," Seon snaps. "I just see someone who shouldn't even be talking to me!"

It's a collision of mammoth egos, skin tight leotards, and ensemble-matching fingernail polish as the face-off to determine who's the true star of the show spills out onto the mat in the backyard. It's about attitude and style as much as the substance of the fight. Both outstandingly accomplished wrestlers don't want to just defeat each other, they want to make it look effortless. They punish each other with brutally effective holds, all the while determined not to break a sweat or chip a nail. But as they quickly discover just how closely matched they are, the savage brutality turns ugly and their inner bitches roar to life.

Seon mounts a schoolgirl pin and starts bitch-slapping his opponent so hard that even we can see the stars circling Chase's head. He digs his sharpened, magenta claws into Chase's religiously moisturized skin, scraping out scoopfuls of the Charming One's flesh. "Oh, you want to be catty," Chase charges back into contention, spitting mad. "This kitty's got claws, too!" He slices his nails across Seon's long, lean torso, making the would-be rival screech in pain and frustration. Marking each other's flawless complexions leads to spanking each other's gorgeous asses so hard they'll both have handprint-shaped bruises for days. Seon threatens to make Chase "a real girl" by digging his claws deep into the reigning queen's balls, before Chase battles back to rip Seon's legs open wide in a near-split spladle and throttle his challenger's big pink bulge.

This claws-out cat fight has attitude, intensity, and viciously punishing holds like no other two wrestlers in the business could deliver. There's only one undisputed bitch queen strutting his stuff off the mat this sunny afternoon, but with egos this fierce, you have to wonder if this will really be the last challenge he'll face to his plush, silk embroidered throne!

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Chase Addams vs. Seon Cruz
24 minutes

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Seon locks Chase's legs up with his own and bends back with a rear chinlock on the threatened queen

Keeping Chase expertly locked up, Seon grinds his bulge to his ass and pulls Chase back by his hair

Seon gets his back bent and broken over Chase's knees as the fight is sucked from him in a liplock

Seon's legs squeeze the air from his foe's lungs as his pit smothers and denies new oxygen in a headlock

Chase bends and breaks the challenger in an arching chinlocking leglock submission combination

Chase rips Seon's legs wide with a spladle variation and slaps a crotch claw on his pink bulge

Seon Cruz: 6', 157 lbs

Bringing the challenging queen to the mats, Chase rips and yanks his opponent's gear up in a wedgie

Chase screams into the open air with his legs locked, back bent as Seon brings out the claws

Chase expertly folds Seon in half, rolling him up on his shoulders for a pinfall attempt

Chase forces his challenger to chew his gear as he works a rear naked chokehold on him

There might be a new queen bitch at BG as Seon rides and chokes Chase with his own gear

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