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  Skrapper vs. Kayden Keller

Skrapper: 5'10, 150 lbs

A gloved up Skrapper stands strong as Kayden tests the waters with a punch to his solid muscle

Kayden's long lean body gets bent and stretched in a headscissoring, camel clutch combo

Skrapper struggles to keep an air of control with Kayden's quads crushing his ribcage

Skrapper stays on top and works the up and coming heel with a camel clutch variation

A helplessly chicken-winged Kayden finds himself fading fast in a crippling chinlock

What are you afraid of?

Before Kayden Keller grew into one of the most devastating bad boys in wrestling, he was a super lean, earnestly ambitious young hunk still finding his groove. When he was 30 pounds lighter, before he started racking up the longest consecutive run of Best Heel trophies in history, he was still learning his craft and honing his skills. Kayden's successful formula for transforming himself into a legendary heel involved a whole lot of practice and fearlessly taking on opponent's as ruthless and dominant as he intended to become.

Ruthless and dominant describe Skrapper to a T. He possesses just one speed, and it's full throttle, snarling and spitting and charging headlong into any opponent with the balls to face him. At this point in his career, Skrapper had unblinkingly stared down opponents twice his size and wrung grudging respect out of absolutely everyone. When offered the opportunity to break in a promising new hunk with a cocky attitude and big dreams, he cinched on his sparring gloves and, in classic Skrapper style, said, "Let's do this, dude!"

There's precious little posturing or posing when these intense young hunks step onto the mat wearing nothing but their briefs and game faces. Wordlessly, punches start flying and don't stop for the next 30 minutes. Kayden is aggressive as hell, driving jabs into his snarling opponent's rock hard core like a jackhammer. But Skrapper feeds off of an opponent's heat, flexing in the up-and-coming fighter's face and demanding that Kayden take his best shot. The tough-as-nails veteran wins the stand-up battle, and so Kayden snaps on a side headlock and drags the action to the mat.

They're closely matched in size and strength, and the battle to dominate veers back and forth as both determined hunks dial up the intensity. Kayden's strategy is to strike first and hit hardest. He enjoys some gloating domination, using his long limbs and steel cable strength to lock Skrapper down and pound his pecs until they're bright red. Few have mastered the puzzle of keeping Skrapper down, however. Again and again, he upends the ambitious upstart, dishing out just as much gloating domination and pain, with an extra helping to make the rookie question just how hard he's willing to hit.

"You want to tap out, don't you," Skrapper demands, getting the upper hand trapping the squirming young hunk underneath him. He makes Kayden kiss his sparring gloves, before choking him with them. He pounds and punches at the lean rookie's quickly bruising body, looking like he's determined to break something or fuck something. He makes it clear what his ultimate goal is right around the time he swallows Kayden's whimpering cries by locking his lips on the squirming rookie's mouth and hungrily stroking his battered body.

Skrapper seems to unleash something in Kayden. The harder Skrapper heels him, the more ferocious Kayden battles back. Right around the middle of this match, you can catch him emerging from his chrysalis, stretching his wings and thrilling to the drum beat of his savage punches thumping relentlessly into the stunned veteran. Both of these brilliant grapplers are going to have bruises all over them in the morning. But only one of them will wake up with the satisfaction of having decisively beaten his ferocious opponent.

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Skrapper vs. Kayden Keller
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Skrapper struggles to escape the tight headlock with his face ground into Kayden's obliques

Skrapper watches the fight and light fade from his foe's eyes with a glove-smothering schoolboy

Kayden is fading! Skrapper's solid peak constricts his neck as he claws futilely for escape

Kayden struggles to get into top position as he and his hardened opponent engage in a grapevine

It maybe over for Kayden as Skrapper smothers him with his bulge while working his cock

Kayden gets red in the face as Skrapper's powerful legs crush his neck in a tight headscissors

Kayden Keller: 6'1, 165 lbs

The battle is on! Skrapper covers up to deflect Kayden's lightning quick strikes

The gloves are off (and on!) as Skrapper pins his bigger foe under his knee with a crotch claw

Kayden's hazing continues with Skrapper's lean ass smothering his face in a rollup reverse schoolboy

Kayden's muscles bulge with the extreme effort it takes to hold a grappler like Skrapper down

An armbarred Kayden gets bullied by the upperclassmen with his face ground into the mat

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