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  Kayden Keller vs. Felix Fischer*

Kayden Keller: 6'2, 175 lbs

Kayden's big powerful arms constrict around Felix's neck and head with a rear naked choke

Felix's strength fades and flags as Kayden restrains him and claws his crotch mercilessly

Dangling helplessly from the rafters of the shack, Felix succumbs to a lusty liplock

Kayden delights in domination well done with an elevated reverse bearhug

Stripped, bound, and bridled, Felix's face is ground and smothered in Kayden's bulge

Into the Lair

It is hard to argue against Kayden's status as BG East's resident heel. He is on track to become the star with the most appearances in the company's history while boasting a highly positive win-to-loss ratio many could only dream of. Endowed with the privileges of being The Boss's protege, Kayden's standing has curiously made him both a prime target as well as a role model. Who wouldn't want to follow the steps of the man who has won 'Top Heel of the Year' for 5 years in a row? His strategy to bend, break and then own his victims spurs hungry newcomers who are willing suffer for a chance to become just a fraction more like Kayden.

Case in point: Felix Fischer. Tired of being used and abused, as it happened in all three of his appearances so far, the blue-eyed beauty desperately needed to turn his luck around by learning from someone who could maximize his potential. While not entirely mad about how his matches ended (we wouldn't mind being covered in the sweat and cum of some of the most handsome men in underground wrestling either), Felix wanted from now on to be the one erupting all over his opponents instead. As he pleaded for a chance to train with the best, The Boss Kid Leopard himself, recognizing Kayden's hard-won privileges, entrusted him with taking the new meat into his lair for 'coaching'.

A beauty to look at, Felix wasn't a wrestler Keller resisted having the chance to work over - ahem sorry, we mean work with. Kayden is genuinely gentle welcoming Felix to his training session in the Wrestleshack. Does the idea of creating his own legacy by mentoring others bring some light into the dark mind of the master of erotic humiliation??

An inoffensive collar and elbow turns into an on-the-mat headlock. But when Kayden assesses his trainee is tougher than his good looks suggest, he increases the intensity by a tenfold. A clean break leads to another lock up, but this time it morphs into a bodyscissors, which finishes in a harsh armlock. "That was a bit more intense," confesses Fischer just seconds after Kayden forces him to tap out. Kayden's good deed does not mean he will take it easy on his pupil. If anything, he will be as tough on him as he was on each of his past victims.

Sensing this training session will turn into another humiliating exposition of his body, Felix takes the initiative by betraying his coach's trust with a cheap shot, followed by consecutive submissions which threaten to choke Kayden out. The events trigger Keller's survival instinct, and just like a leopard, he devolves into the beast he is, launching the fiercest of offensives to defend his territory and claim what belongs to him. "Are you coming up here to show me up, rookie?" Felix would have thought twice to double cross Kayden if he wasn't oblivious to the price he will pay for his recklessness.

A 40-minute ordeal of pain, chokes, bondage, torture and humiliation awaits Felix, who doesn't have much choice but to learn the hard way what it takes to become like Kayden. Helplessly tied up and punished, the humiliation that follows is undoubtedly the most intimate, sensual, and certainly, explicit entry yet in the Leopard's Lair series. Kayden has thoroughly owned many men before, but this unique finale will remind long-time BGE fans of sequences from legendary, award-winning Wrestleshack 5, which would make the Brooklyn Bodywrecker proud. This is another masterclass from Kayden and a performance that could push him to yet another Top Heel of the Year award, cementing his name in the history of BG East.

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Lair 7*


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Kayden Keller vs. Felix Fischer*
59 minutes

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Kayden bears down on Felix, intoxicating him with an ab-clawing crotch smother

Kayden claims his jobber with a liplock whilst controlling him with a crotch-claw

Felix is in major trouble, finding himself strung up from the rafters by the crafty heel

A drained Felix's face is forced into Kayden's leopard-clad ass with a figure four headscissors

Felix fights back from bottom with a big, crushing bodyscissors on the raging heel

Kayden climbs atop his sexy opponent, choking and grinding him into the mats

Felix Fischer: 5'9, 170 lbs

Ass-to-ass, Felix finds himself folded and rolled up with Kayden's weight-bearing pin

Felix is forced to flex his impressive physique for the pleasure of his salivating, sadistic heel

Strung up and kneeling, Felix is helpless against the seductive, sensuous Keller

Leashed by his opponent's singlet, Felix kneels before his preening, powerful master

Making his mark on Leopard's Lair, Kayden stands tall, claiming his foe's gear as a trophy

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