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  Tiko vs. Dimitri  

Tiko: 5'11, 175 lbs

Tiko's back bends brutally in Dmitri's neck-cranking camel clutch submission hold.

Tiko's body soars through the air as Dmitri tosses him completely across the squared circle.

Tiko is brought to his knees by a powerful neck claw by the big bad Frenchman.

Reaching desperately for the ropes, Tiko is trapped midring in a surfboard variation.

Dmitri looms over a kneeling, rope-choked Tiko, forcing him to watch his own destruction.

The French Bulldog

This year's Wrestling with Pride so stoked some of our wrestlers that they were ready to wrestle some private matches over the weekend. Traveling all the way from France for the event, Dimitri wanted to destroy another "amerloque" before heading back home. Always an accommodating host, The Boss treated him to Tiko. In our opener, we find Dimitri warming up in the BGE ring. His fight face already on, he paces like a panther in a cage. Tiko climbs up onto the ring apron with a beaming "Hello!" Though he knows a little English and knows full well that he's in the United States of America, Dimitri ignores the greeting and speaks to Tiko in French. Failing to communicate, Tiko extends his hand for a sportsmanlike shake. Dimitri just stares at him. "Okay," Tiko says with a shrug and turns towards his corner. The Frenchman attacks from behind and slams him into the turnbuckle face first. Then he proceeds to drive his fist to his opponent's midsection repeatedly.

With surprising speed and finesse, Tiko turns the tables on the brute, catching him in a flying headscissors and dropping Dimitri's ass to the mat. He bounds off the ropes to repeat the attack as soon as Dimitri is back on his feet. But a third attempt fails as Dimitri catches him in midair and body-slams him. Tiko tries to intercept a punch to the face by punching his attacker's gut first. Dimitri pauses a half-second before delivering a machine-like barrage of punches and forearm smashes. Tiko's eyes are already rolling as Dimitri clasps his wrist with one hand and slams the man's forearm with the other, a flagrant attempt to dislocate or bust. Every tactic the Frenchman employs is designed to break his adversary. He would rather punish than engage in a fair, sporting contest. We're as patriotic as the next wrestling promotion, but Dimitri is definitely our kind of guy!

For the next three minutes, Dimitri executes a variety of punishments on the mat and against the ring ropes. Unlike a lot of heels, he doesn't target just one body part but liberally spreads the pain over every inch of Tiko's body. Then, Tiko turns the tables on him, thrusting him into the corner ropes for a round of shoulder slams to the belly and forearm smashes to the face, almost certainly loosening a few teeth in the process, to judge by the heel's reactions. Undaunted, however, Dimitri strikes back, slugging away at Tiko's face with rapid-fire jabs before flinging him to the center of the ring for a chinlock that may well be a choke.

There's no doubt about the damage he exacts on Tiko, whose grunts and grimaces communicate the full spectrum of his suffering. The lean and resilient babyface, however, has some fight left in him. A shoulder-butt to the chin sends Dimitri reeling backwards into the turnbuckle. With sweat glazing his shoulders and back, Tiko slams his fist into the staggered Frenchman. He leaps to throw his full weight behind the punch. He applies a side headlock, but Dimitri lifts him high off the mat and lands Tiko's balls on his knee in a feelingly executed reversal. As we reach the 20-minute match's midpoint, we find Tiko hanging by his neck off the top rope as Dimitri punches him between the shoulder blades. At this point, it's impossible to tell whether Tiko has another hope spot left in him, much less a reversal.

The second half of this match is a real nutbuster. Both bodies gleaming and each man running on rage and instincts alone, the fight makes the whole ring rumble and quake. A figure-four choke appears to bring the tortuous battle to a sudden climax, but wait! D'ailleurs, ce n'est pas fini. It ain't over yet! Somebody's going to regret signing on for this fight.


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Letting out a sadistic laugh, Dmitri lays blistering chop after blistering chop to Tiko's pecs.

Dmitri looks to put the asian "amerloque" in his place with a ring-shaking sidewalk slam.

Tiko manages to battle back from the verge of defeat with a big forearm to the French stud's jaw.

Trapped and cornered, Tiko is helpless against Dmitri's relentlessly brutal ab assault.

Dmitri goes into full-rage mode and tosses Tiko around and across the ring like a ragdoll.

With his arms hooked, Tiko arches in a chin-pulling backbreaker over the ring ropes.

Dimitri: 5'9, 172 lbs

Dimitri carries the evenly matched Asian champ up and over for a ring-shaking bodyslam.

A crazed, masochistic grin overtakes Dmitri's handsome face as he chokes Tiko over the ropes.

Hoisted and carried, Tiko's back bends perilously over Dmitri's broad shoulder..

Tiko looks to be about finishing, fading and drooling in Dmitri's damaging rear naked choke.

The asian champ lays broken on the mat as Dmitri stands dominantly astride his beaten foe.

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