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  Joe Robbins vs. Exavier

Joe Robbins, 6'2" 240 lbs

Joe Robbins goes on a tear, dragging the smaller challenger up by his trunks

Not letting the size disparity affect him, Exavier drags his opponent from the mat by his hair

The big boots of big Joe bust and trample the lower back of his smaller opponent

Exavier pulls Joe off the mat with a step-over toehold, surfboard combination

Exavier locks and rides his opponent around the ring, wearing him down

Mirror, Mirror...!

Wisecracking playboy Exavier is back at BG East to face off against the man he was born to wrestle: Joe Robbins! Robbins looks like he just stepped off the front cover of a classic DC comic ... "cut in stone," as he immodestly describes his superheroic physique. In his trademark silver trunks, he looks "peak" in every possible way, snapping his muscles to attention in a series of awe-inspiring poses in front of the mirror and camera. So caught up is he in self-adoration that he doesn't even notice Exavier busting a few disco moves as he approaches ringside. Being ignored is not something Exavier tolerates, especially when Joe is hogging a ring that Exavier claims belongs to him.

Exavier tries to out-gun Joe with a few poses of his own, only to be unceremoniously shoved aside as Robbins reclaims the center of the squared circle. In a true old-school heel move, Exavier retaliates by assaulting Joe from behind. The thing is, though, Joe doesn't even register the attack, budging not one inch! He merely turns around and blithely shoves his attacker into the ropes. Exavier springs back, and the two lock up in a collar-and-elbow worthy of a couple of Titans. Pushed into the corner ropes, Exavier pantomimes fear and respect with a supplicating gesture, luring Robbins in for a reversal and corner beating. Joe fights back but swaggeringly falls for the oh-my-god-you're-so-strong ploy again, only to find himself getting clobbered in the opposite corner.

Exavier seems to think his fast cunning and brains can trump Robbins' raw power and muscle, but he's got another thing coming. He fools Joe twice, but self-confidence weighs nothing compared to the steely brute aggression Joe has demonstrated time and time again here at BG East. Getting too close to the cyclone, Exavier lands facefirst to the turnbuckle with Joe's boot grinding into his lower back. He proposes that the two of them "share" the mirror, but at this moment Exavier is in no position to negotiate. "Can't you take a joke?" he sobs as the humorless muscle god uses him as a doormat and then kicks him out of the ring.

"You can pose as long as you want," a suddenly conciliatory Exavier sputters, on his hands and knees at ringside. But now that his appetite for fighting has been whetted, Joe pulls him back through the ropes for some more roughing up. Joe wrings out Exavier's spine like a wet rag, then pounds the man flat to the mat. "I'm not a toy," Exavier objects. "This stuff hurts!" he says, his voice cracking. As any longtime fan of BG East could have told him, Exavier's whinging complaints only fuel Joe's deadly determination to humiliate and destroy him. Bent backwards over the man's knee, Exavier escapes by raking his fingernails across Joe's eyes, but his punishment is still far from over.

If he can only keep his eyes on the prize, Robbins can defeat the spineless trickster, but there's that damned frigging mirror to contend with! The mirror is Exavier's secret ally in this match, drawing Joe's eyes away from the demolition of his wisecracking opponent in the wine-red velvet trunks and giving fancy-pants Exavier some spare seconds to plot and execute a reprisal. Exavier's ace in the hole is his penchant for cheap low blows and Pier 6 brawling. It's his willingness to go as low and as far as necessary that keeps this war from being a one-sided beatdown. After Exavier repays Joe smack for smack, we enter into the dizzying final stretch of this fight, as torture racks counter ramrods to the crotch, leading up to a killer finish as victor chokes out the loser and then rolls him to the floor, claiming the BGE ring as his own! These guys are at their very best against each other, and they squeeze the last drop of drama out of this sure-to-be classic matchup!

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Joe Robbins vs. Exavier
33 minutes

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An over-the-knee backbreaker brutally bends the spine of Exavier

Joe delights in Exavier's cries, bouncing him around the ring in a torture rack

Big Joe looks almost out on his feet as Exavier sets him up for more

Exavier's ass on display as he clutches at his battered back

Robbin's back wrecked with a suspended, over-the-knee backbreaker

Exavier saps the will from his grounded challenger with a rear naked choke, bodyscissor combo

Exavier, 5'9 180 lbs

Two mountains of muscle grind together as Joe maneuvers his smaller foe into a camel clutch

Joe's big, tight bearhug tests the endurance of Exavier's spine

Joe's inverted facelock drags his victim back first over the ropes, stretching him out

Robbins sits high up on Exavier's back with a brutalizing boston crab

Exavier flexes triumphantly and sets up a Mexican ceiling hold

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