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Gianni LaMotta


Gianni bearhugs Jimmy

Shane mockin' Beau

The New Breed!

Wrestling isn't easy. Sometimes even the winners come out battered, bumped and bruised. For the poor losers, you can ratchet up the suffering, pain and punishment and then add a nice hefty dose of ego-crushing humiliation to keep their high-flying feet on the ground. Some guys don't even make it past one match. Only the very best have the physical stamina and mental toughness to keep coming back for more. Fortunately, every few months a new crop of talent arrives on our doorsteps eager to prove they have what it takes to survive. Say hello to the New Breed, five hot and hunky new Fantasymen stars. And say hello again to our superstar Nick Archer - you remember him - the gorgeous blue-eye babyface who in a matter of about a year developed into one of the stiffest, nastiest heels on our roster! Fantasymen 25 - a celebration of our commitment to bring you great wrestling action - by, for and about wrestlers!

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Nasty Nick Archer

Shane Styles

Beau Nasty

Shane and Beau lace-up

PrimeTime signs on

Celebrating 45 Years of BG East - - AND 21 of The Arena! - - Join ArenaPlus for free VODs
In our 45th Anniversary year, membership in The Arena (now in its 21st year) is your chance to get any Video on Demand (VOD) at a discount, or rent for longer (7 days) AND buy our "forever-stream" OTA (Own-To-Arena) full Products and OTA-Matches, all for only $13.95 a month with loads of free video content and a 'Free VOD for the Week' match; Or join our new ArenaPlus for only $79.95 a month and get up to 40 free select VODs as 7 change every week. See 'Arena Plus' in the Arena page menu to see what's streaming now!

Almost all BG East matches are available for streaming, right here, right now (some of the newest releases are coming soon). If the 'Watch VOD' next to the match title on the Series page is YELLOW, it means you can rent the VOD stream right now for 24 hours on your computer or device. No membership needed![read more] Or, join The Arena & rent matches at a big DISCOUNT and longer-rent-time options (simply renting 3 VODs a month, or enjoying our weekly 'Free VOD for the Week' pays for your membership - in addition to all the other free photo and video content on The Arena). For many products and now matches, you can OWN the stream forever using Own to Arena (OTA) whenever your Arena membership is active (see "Jump to..." drop-down menu above). Only matches that say 'Watch VOD' in RED are exclusive to the Arena. BG East Match Description pages allow you to rent and stream matches as well, with or without Arena membership. Full VOD List on [read less]

DVDs: The More You Buy, The More You Save!
Now get 5% off any DVD order between $100-149, 10% off any order between $150-249, 15% off any order between $250-$399, 20% off any order between[read more] $400-$499, or 25% off any order of $500 or more! (non-USA orders over $450 must get approval by email in advance) Offer applies to all DVD products. [read less]

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