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  Aryx Quinn vs. Angelo Damato  

Aryx Quinn - 5'8, 167

Angelo's quick use of thick thighs

Angelo strips Aryx to his undagear

Aryx goes in for the kill

Stripped to undagear, man to man

“Master of the Mat Room”

The fans have been clamoring for this match-up almost from the moment both of these cocky young studs debuted, and finally?here it is! And what a major battle this one turned out to be!

Aryx (or as he likes to refer to himself, ?The Mighty Quinn?) is a mighty mouth who got his first serious wrestling training while serving in the military. Aryx comes from the rough streets of "Southie" Boston and joined the military to avoid jail?but a few years service followed by a dishonorable discharge (the file is sealed, and he?s not talking) only reinforced an already bad attitude. He rose quickly through the ranks at BGE - in no small part thanks to a special affinity with The Boss - destroying opponent after opponent. Even on the rare occasion when he's on the wrong end of beating, in his mind HE is still the winner.

He?s the wrestler the fans love to hate. He?s not so popular with the other wrestlers either?there was even talk of some of the other guys joining ranks to gang up on him to shut his mouth down for good. Somehow, we don?t think that would work either?nothing is likely to shut him up. And as for Angelo D?Amato? ?He?s a big nothing,? Aryx sneered when previewing one of his matches, ?the guys he?s beaten are pussies afraid to take me on. Big fuckin? whoop.?

Angelo may not be as mouthy as Aryx (who is?) but give the man his props. He has years of amateur training and his record is more impressive than Aryx?s. His well-muscled body telegraphs ?power?. Angelo believes in letting his body and skill do the talking. His upper body is as impressive as his breathtaking lower body, but his legs are the most fearsome weapon in his arsenal?as many an opponent learned the hard way. He's no pushover by any stretch, and Aryx? arrogance could be his undoing...


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Bodyscissors: Angelo dominates Aryx

Aryx Quinn is in BIG trouble!~

Angelo D'Amato - 5'8, 175

Aryx tries to pin & humiliate Angelo

Aryx abs, Angelo's butt: superb

Angelo's bully pin & grapevine

Aryx pinned and punished

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