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  2-Fine Devine vs. Jaxx O'Doul  


A fine guillotine

Some Fine abuse

How's that back feel

Pinned to perfection

Muscleboy vs Shooter Grudge Match

"Where have I heard that name before?" Jaxx wonders when he checks the match list. 2Fine Divine isn't a forgettable nickname. A moment later it clicks: "Oh yeah, I kicked that guy's ass in high school!" But when Jaxx smugly reminds the handsome rookie of their history, 2Fine is far from intimidated. "I was sick that day," he says, then sheds his warm up jacket to reveal a stunning torso. "And I didn't look like this then." Grudge on! Jaxx goes scholastic, rides 2Fine's backside with a spinning go behind, and delivers a set of dismissive slaps to the head. 2Fine returns the favor throwing in a double biceps pose with a sexy smile that says, "You may be bigger, but I've got the better bod!" 2Fine hits an armdrag that makes Jaxx gasp, "Son of a bitch!" But this is pro, not mat: Jaxx raises the stakes with a backdrop that deposit's 2Fine on his head scary-hard for a pin he barely kicks out of. Shoulder blocks in the corner, a bruising, Orton-inspired backbreaker and a perfect floating bow 'n arrow, and 2Fine has to submit, vocally and enthusiastically. Jaxx treats 2Fine to some post-round stomping, pec and ab punching and back bashing. But 2Fine isn't finished yet. Somebody's about to get Punk'd...


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2-Fine Devine vs. Jaxx O'Doul
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Body bridge

Neck & backbreaker

Jaxx gives 2 Fine the duke?

2 Fine Devine

Big bodyslam

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